Federal Budget Will Mean Mass Layoffs of Federal Workers – IOTW Report

Federal Budget Will Mean Mass Layoffs of Federal Workers

For the first time in seven years the federal government will actually have a real budget to limit it’s voracious appetite for national resources.  When approved, the Trump budget will “reduce employment in the region by 1.8 percent and personal income by 3.5 percent, and lower home prices by 1.9 percent” in the Washington D.C. area.

Which is great news if you’re looking to buy a new home somewhere nearby the nation’s capital.


18 Comments on Federal Budget Will Mean Mass Layoffs of Federal Workers

  1. the wapo suggests that these changes will not have an impact on the spending trajectories

    what they intentionally do not address(imho) is trump’s plan to greatly increase the workforce participation and gdp, which has been tepid for the past 8 years

    the combination of the cuts, positive influence on the job market, and reduction in poverty importing (illegals) is the comprehensive plan that can bring america back

  2. I’m makin’ this personal. The bureaucrats who got paid for watching porn all day will bail with huge pensions & benefits they don’t deserve. I shoulda been a bureaucrat.

    BTW in case any of you pensioners here don’t know Livin’ La Vida Loca, you probably don’t wanna know.

  3. “Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who said that his state would be hit particularly hard by Trump’s proposed cuts, said that his party plans to remain locked in opposition to the disproportionate changes Trump will advance.”

    This yahoo needs to lose his job too.

  4. Unfortunately (not really bad luck; poor administration) the feckless, worthless maggots who cause the most problems will be the ones deciding who gets canned.
    That’s just the way it is.
    The worthwhile will be cut loose because the maggotry knows that they have a better chance of finding gainful employment, as opposed to the mass of ignorant, worthless, lazy, inefficient Affirmative Action hires padding the employment books who would fuck up mopping floors at McDonald’s.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I kind of hate to see anybody loose their job especially those THAT MIGHT be doing a good job- But for those that are only there for a pay check and benefits- be careful and don’t let the door hit your behind on your way out.
    Get rid of all that spending 4 nothing and give it back to those/us/me that have worked for our money and paid into social security for over 60 years. Government suxs…

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