Federal Prisoners Released Due to COVID Not Required to Return to Finish Their Sentences – IOTW Report

Federal Prisoners Released Due to COVID Not Required to Return to Finish Their Sentences


The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday announced it would not force federal inmates who were sent home due to the coronavirus pandemic to return to prison once the emergency is lifted.

The decision represents a major reversal for the department’s Office of Legal Counsel, which previously had issued an opinion that said the Bureau of Prisons had no legal authority to keep inmates at home once the pandemic emergency had subsided. More

19 Comments on Federal Prisoners Released Due to COVID Not Required to Return to Finish Their Sentences

  1. They need the room for political prisoners.

    …that’s us, if you were wondering.

    2022 will go down in history.

    Always remember that “History” is written by the victorious.

    The only question is, will we write that history…or will they…

  2. Real Criminals released while patriots who passed the invisible line to the congressional building remain in solitary confinement for socialist political gain.

    Even worse, BLM and Antifa have never been arrested or indicted for the rampage through democrat cities destroying business and government buildings and beating innocent citizens.
    This is what socialism is.

  3. Their opportunities to inflict added suffering, misery and death on innocent people is diminished if they are locked up WHERE THEY BELONG, ergo the progressive movement is acting accordingly and releasing them to prey on innocent populations. That is the motivation behind this, it isn’t that hard to figure out why they do things. Ask yourself if what they propose or have implemented will more likely than not increase the net amount of innocent human suffering, misery and death and the answer will almost universally be – yes, of course it will work out that way.

    This isn’t rocket surgery, if what they advocate for almost universally yields a consistent result then that result is a feature of, not an unintended consequent result of them getting their way. It is what they are striving for.

  4. @ Tony R DECEMBER 22, 2021 AT 2:39 PM

    Each should be given a banana first thing in the morning, it will take them until 4:30 to figure out how to open it, saving the rest of us from whatever else they might accomplish.

  5. So victims and relatives of their past criminal acts are being denied justice and still have a legitimate score to settle. If not, why not? The presumption being that once the court has ruled, passed sentence and the sentence has been served victims and their relatives no longer have any legitimate interest. The social compact assumes that the State has a monopoly on justice, but that only holds if the State is making a good faith effort to see that justice is done.

  6. THANKS MITCH! not!@#?$%^&
    Had Mitch not worked “night and day” to get Garland confirmed this, and many other atrocities, would never happen.

    Bush Republicans are all bad; but Mitch is almost s bad as pierre delecto!

  7. Sue the Dept of “Justice” for failure to live up to that name, and the reason for its existence.

    And when they’re at the podium spouting bullshit denials and excuses, gun them down. How much more horseshit can anyone swallow???

  8. @cato December 22, 2021 at 2:24 pm

    > Real Criminals released while patriots who passed the invisible line to the congressional building remain in solitary confinement for socialist political gain.

    Those “patriots” remain in the camps, because True Patriots(TM) sit on the couch. Stroking their guns. Waiting for the Opportunity(TM) to VOAT HARDERER for the True Patriots(TM) that abandoned them there. Again.

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