Feds Cannot Bypass States and Courts – IOTW Report

Feds Cannot Bypass States and Courts

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich | Townhall:

Today, I will be arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Arizona’s right to defend the Public Charge Rule, which requires noncitizens to financially support themselves in order to become U.S. citizens or to obtain green cards. This rule is necessary to avoid an unfair drain on welfare and public assistance programs throughout the states. Just as I argued Brnovich v. DNC last year to uphold Arizona’s commonsense election integrity measures, this case is about preserving a long-held cornerstone of responsible and sustainable immigration policy for the United States.

The Public Charge Rule has existed in some form for over 100 years in our country. After the Trump administration enacted an updated version in 2019, the Department of Justice successfully fought the far Left’s challenges in four circuit courts of the country, allowing the Rule to remain in place pending the Supreme Court’s hearing of the case.  more

5 Comments on Feds Cannot Bypass States and Courts

  1. Not only do we make our migrants work for a living, if you screw up and crash your car on one of our fine roads, you can be charged and fined under the STUPID MOTORIST LAW.

    Yeah…I know. We used to call everything as we saw them.
    Probably why they changed the name of Horse Cock Mountain.

  2. defend the Public Charge Rule, which requires noncitizens to financially support themselves in order to become U.S. citizens or to obtain green cards. This rule is necessary to avoid an unfair drain on welfare and public assistance programs throughout the states.

    Conservatives: “I will gladly give you all the Bolshevism, next Tuesday. If you will pay me, today.”

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