Feds deny FEMA aid to Baltimore for riots – IOTW Report

Feds deny FEMA aid to Baltimore for riots

baltimore riots senior housing burned

WCBM 680– The federal government has denied an appeal from the state over disaster aid, leaving in place an earlier decision denying millions of dollars to help pay for costs associated with rioting that broke out after the death of Freddie Gray.

baltimore riots police car

baltimore riots

A letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency dated July 29 said that the agency “reaffirms” its decision that federal assistance “is not appropriate for this event.”

baltimore riot 3


19 Comments on Feds deny FEMA aid to Baltimore for riots

  1. Baltimore has plenty of money. They were able to fund a huge gala town burning event just to entertain their minority folks! Besides, as much as they like tax money they know that they always have a fount of new untapped resources to tap. So start tapping!

  2. Hate to say it but if Obama gave $29 million to the nine blacks recently shot, he will be giving $100 million to B’more.

    I predict within 3 months, under the radar without any MSM mentions.

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