Feds indict two Chinese nationals for allegedly trying to hack, steal coronavirus research – IOTW Report

Feds indict two Chinese nationals for allegedly trying to hack, steal coronavirus research

Just the News: The Justice Department on Tuesday announced charges for two Chinese national who allegedly tried to steal United States coronavirus research and proprietary information from corporations and the government.

Li Xiaoyu, 34, and Dong Jiazhi, 31, were charged with 11 counts in connection with hacking into the computer systems of hundreds of businesses, government offices, Chinese Communist Party dissidents, members of the clergy and human rights activists in the United States, Hong Kong, and mainland China. read more

7 Comments on Feds indict two Chinese nationals for allegedly trying to hack, steal coronavirus research

  1. Let’s be straight about this. It is the Chinese government behind this. I have traveled to China, I have some friends in China. The people aren’t the problem, it is the government. By posting that, I probably will not be allowed to ever go there again.

    Oh, by-the-way, don’t think that some people aren’t trying to move our government in that direction.

  2. Whatever happened to summary executions for foreign spies? The trial for these 2 chinks will be held in the Federal District Court here in Spokane, Wash. I would get thrown off the jury because the first thing I would tell them is that these 2 deserve to be executed pronto.

  3. I was just watching David Horowitz’s speech at the Western Conservative Summit 2019 where he talks about his book, “Big Agenda”. He remarked that no one has been tried for treason since Tokyo Rose. As Chinese nationals, they wouldn’t be tried for treason, but those U.S. citizens who helped them or any other Chinese national engage in spying and theft should be. Somebody’s pockets got lined by the ChiComms

  4. Thanks to Obama and the leftists our country is completely salted with spies. Not only China, but every country that wants to see us fall is well represented with agents.
    The shame is that they all have rich sources of information provided by american citizens through bribes or a warped ideology.

  5. What a reeeeebitting knot of frogs.

    They do what they are hired to do. Hired. By those already here. To do. Here.

    What else would you expect them to do?

    (And, if you expect them to do something different, why would you expect anyone else to pay to bring them here?)

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