Feinstein dead at 90.
Leaving the senate in a wooden box because of advanced years is a disgrace. That is not what representation is all about. Career politicians are not in the best interest of the people.
Feinstein dead at 90.
Leaving the senate in a wooden box because of advanced years is a disgrace. That is not what representation is all about. Career politicians are not in the best interest of the people.
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I have nothing good or kind to say about her so I will say nothing.
And the Democrat vermin are scrambling to fill her shoes.
I agree with your assessment. It is obscene that we have elected persons drooling on themselves.
drying fartstain, fuck off
The old bag died of too many birthdays!
The cast of Cocoon is now minus one…
Just hurry up and bury her. I really need to pee.
Was casting about on the websites this morning mining for content for my e-mail group.
This creates a special/EXTRA edition. Where it will be the only link included.
Thank You Mr. Big for reporting the feel good story for the weekend!
So many others that I could think of that should join her.
Bye bitch. Maybe your Chinese spies will mourn you, I certainly will not.
Dead at 90, what a shock! Inside trading , pistol permit holding anti-second amendment Socialist/Commie. Now if just a few more of the fossils living off of the tax payers would take the cue….
But don’t worry, they’ll replace her with something worse. Can you say Gavin?
Why do I keep hearing “Ding dong the…..” over and over in my head? Dorthy could not be reached for comment.
If you look at the current conditions in San Francisco, and in California, it tells you all you need to know. People are leaving California because the feral troops of BLM, La Raza, and Antifa are making everyone miserable.
Hey, **ckers, when you don’t have any grocery stores, and no gas stations, and nothing else, don’t come crying for conservatives to help you. You wanted this, and you will reap what you have sown.
Just cause she’s dead doesn’t mean she won’t be voting for Brandon 2024!!!
Can’t wait to see what decrepit loser Gov. Dippity-Do-Do will appoint to fill her probably grossly soiled seat in the Senate!
I guess she’s not running for reelection after all?
…but Democrats being Democrats, I’m surprised they don’t just go ahead and count her vote anyway, just like they do in the general elections. It’s not like Democrats ever break the lockstep anyway so whoever they replace her with will be doing the same, so why the hell not.
Besides, there’s a certain poetry to the physically corrupt voting with the politically and spiritually corrupt. This is actually accurate representation because they all serve the same devil, DiFi just serves him a little more directly now, but its not like its a dropnin form…
She can still vote though.
And Newsome will appoint…Newsome.
So, what scumbag democrap is Gruesome Newsome gonna replace her with? And who’s next of all these old fart politicians that’s going to dirt nap and assume room temperature.
Die, bitch, get out the way
Get out the way, bitch, get out the way
@Peter – well, we are still waiting on that announcement.
If Gavin is running in 2024 he won’t name himself as her replacement, but if he isn’t running until 2028 he will. That’s my call.
Newsome will appoint Kamala. Clears the way for him to run for president and Kamala will avoid being sucked down in the Biden cesspool. They’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse.
DIFI. ht the late great Rush.
Oh great another week of honoring an old evil dirt bag.
Will the hurst be stopping by the Chinese consulate to drop off the keys?
Maybe Newsome will go all Caligula and appoint his horse to the Senate?
A grifting, entitled, corrupt leftist ideologue destin to spend eternity in a firey Hell.
Bye, Felicia.
She won’t ever be voting on abortion or taking away our 2nd Amendment rights. She has done enough to destroy America, now she waits for her judgement. Pelosi is next….
they should bury her in feces. Now she must pay satan
AJ FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 9:50 AT 9:50 AM
“Will the hurst be stopping by the Chinese consulate to drop off the keys?”
…the Chinese already HAVE our keys.
ALL of them.
Thanks, Democrats.
One Democrat demon down. I hear these things come in 3’s….
Someone could make a fortune with a beer concession at her gravesite.
(just be sure to wear high rubber boots)
@PHenry – it will have to be a mare, or will be required to wear a suit and tie. 🙂
Dying Shitstain wheeled into the Senate sporting a toe tag. News at 11
The feel-good story of the week.
When you see people as old and ill as this staying in office and being propped up by the Dirty Dem machine you know it’s rotten to the core.
And it’s a spiritual battle.
It would be very interesting to hear her explaining to God why she denied to the people certain inalienable rights that He gave to them.
If they lay that dead lizard in rotunda, Peru wii think we snatched one of their aliens!
How much of her $110 Million Net Worth can she take with her?
She needs at least 30 pieces of silver.
From the article: “ Democratic Reps. Katie Porter, Adam Schiff and Barbara Lee are now running for Feinstein’s seat.”. Katie Porter?!? WTF?
Let us mourn her passing in the manner she most richly deserves.
…and may many more like her achieve this same signal offer very, very soon.
…side note; my favorite line in TWOOZ is the coroner just before this;
….”She’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead”.
That’s a great line.
…althogh despite his statement that “he thoroughly examined her”, considering she was covered by a house down to the shin from Dorothy’s arrival till she dematerialized after removing her shoes, I suspect he skimped on his due diligence a bit unless all that is required to “thoroughly examine” her is to tap her tibia a time or two; he couldn’t even have taken a posterior tibia pulse because there’s no way he could have removed her shoes, let alone her stocking, without discorporating her which clearly did not happen.
But he probably knows more about witch anatomy than me, so whatever, bitch be daid, let’s partayyy…
Newsom is going to fill her seat with a tranny. Taking bets.
So who’s going to look after the flying monkeys now?
A truly horrible person has died. Feinstein was on my mental checklist of “Politicians Whose Passing I Look Forward to Hearing About.”
We will now have to endure at least a week of commemorating by the media. As her life in politics is reviewed, we will be continually reminded that “Feinstein was a woman…A woman who…” She will be cast as “a champion” of something, or of many things, but don’t you dare forget that she was a woman.
Discussion will soon turn to filling her seat. It will be talked about as a “legacy” position that should be secured and filled by someone similar in politic to Feinstein, like they suggested when Ginsburg passed.
She’ll meet Jesus Christ face to face. We all will. We go into eternity either clothed in His Righteousness, which is imputed to us freely through faith in Him, or in our own righteousness under the Law, believing that we are good enough to merit God’s favor by our own works.
This evil corrupt, traitorous communist death democrat bitch’s body should be fed to the hogs but I’ll bet even the hogs would refuse to eat her polluted body.
It’s about fucking time this communist death democrat human garbage has finally been removed from this mortal coil and went to meet up with her Lord and Master, Satan, and has taken her well earned place in the lowest depths of hell for an eternity of torment.
Diane, Please say Hi to Teddy and the rest of your fellow communist death democrats who have died before you. You will not lack company in Hell.
Ted Nougat FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 11:23 AT 11:23 AM
“Feinstein was a woman…A woman who…” She will be cast as “a champion” of something, or of many things, but don’t you dare forget that she was a woman.”
Hey now, don’t you ne callin’ no one know WOMAN! You don’t know what a “woman” is, you ain’t no biologist and sheee…I mean, you ain’t no ways a biologist, so you have NO STANDING!
Practicin’ that last bit for later, once we kick that White Boi out. You’ll be callin’ ME CHIEFS!
Too bad we couldn’t get a TWOFER with Nasty Pelosi along side.
I wonder if Satan will allow her to conceal carry in Hell. Will Nancy Pelosi’s daughter please answer the white courtesy phone.
Nancy Pisslousy’s rotten flesh is next to burn on the other side…
Gonna be another empty seat at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. At this rate, if he ever does shoot through they may have to hire pallbearers.
FDR in Hell is busy organizing her welcome home party……I hope he can post some photos later!
May she rot in hell, and may the devil tear her black heart.
Fuck off, eat shit, and burn in hell. Liberals are the lowest form of life in the universe. Fuck you all, and I hope to piss on her grave.
P-S-S-S-S-T She has been functionally dead for many years.
About time. Rest In Piss.
Zonga, it’s always a Joy to see you & your Slinky BigFurHat original here !
They say death comes in threes. Can I recommend the next two?
Thanks @SNS for the Wizard of Oz clips. Now I have to watch the movie!
A life in service to Satan, forever to be tormented as he laughs at her agony in hell…
Next up for the hell’s highway, Pedo McShitstain, Nazi Piglousi, the Turtle, and Shitmer, hopefully with a side order of Fuckerman.
The real Fuckerman is already dead, suddenly the new and improved Fuckerman can easily hear words and communicates normally. How very odd.
Now Gaylord Loathsome is really in trouble. I am betting on the insipid, imbecilic, idiot Commieliar regressing to her previous spot.
RIP Diane Feinstein. “There’s a signpost up ahead: next stop the White Throne Judgement”.
Luv ya Geni!!!!!!!!
I’m sure that at some point, Congress will institute term limits for themselves.
That’s a joke folks. They’re never going to do that.
Love you too, Sister!
I’d say McConnell is next. He may have an R behind his name but he’s uniparty all the way. Bernie’s not long for this world either. Grassley is almost 90, I’d hate to see him go, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
I found a list of the 10 oldest oldsters in the Senate (well, 9 now) pick your favorites. https://www.oldest.org/politics/members-of-us-senate/
Maybe we could start a pool. Winner gets iOTW bucks matching the ages of the deceased.
Proverbs 11:10
When the righteous thrive, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.
Pr 19:9: a false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish…but pedocrats don’t care
No term limits in hades either. As David Puddy would say – it’s going to be rough. Bye Di.
I would rather have one Diane Feinstein, than ten Marjorie Tailor Greens.
@ 4:57: the smelly-ass, chicom-serving, gun-control cunt is all yours, asshole
Hard to believe.
I figured the stench would pollute the air even out here in Missouri.
Enjoy Hell, Dianne, you earned it!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
new-scum picks crime-ala to replace drying fartstain, then sniffer joe picks the negro trans-it to replace her. then sniffer joe craps out & new-scum & the negro trans-it take over.
So her body has finally caught up to her brain.
…this for her…
Will her corpse lie in state?
I’m late to the party. I, too, believe that Gruesome Gavin will appoint himself to the seat. But, it will not be for a full 6 year term. It will be a mere stepping stone to the office he truly seeks in 2028.