Female-named Hurricanes Kill More Than Male Hurricanes Because People Don’t Respect Them – IOTW Report

Female-named Hurricanes Kill More Than Male Hurricanes Because People Don’t Respect Them

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: This is actually a news item in the once respected Washington Post, and probably the stupidest thing you will read all day.  According to the Post, a university research study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, claims people don’t take hurricanes as seriously if they have a feminine name and the consequences are more deadly. Yeah, you read that right. Story here

22 Comments on Female-named Hurricanes Kill More Than Male Hurricanes Because People Don’t Respect Them

  1. Sounds reasonable to me. Every ship at sea is referred to as “she”. If it sinks, all lives lost are due to the crew not respecting the situation enough. We can stop this needless loss of life by just referring to ships as “he” from now on.

  2. The name Hugo, couldn’t get me off James Island Sc in 89. Nor Floyd in 99. Or Matthew last year. So from personal experience, I’d say this study is full of shit.

  3. Same shit happened after Katrina(which hit us first.,unannounced)

    People in NOLA said that they would have left if the Hurricane would

    have had something other than a “White” name

    “Holy crap, it’s Hurricane Stag-0-Lee”

  4. Look very closely at the genitalia of inbound hurricanes. If you see massive dick and balls run for your lives and take shelter. If you see a tight little vayjayjay, put the patio umbrella up and have a cookout.

    Camille and Katrina say it’ll be fine.

  5. I’m trying to work “Hurricunt” and “Once every month” and ” Megan Kelly” into one comment.

    There’s also got to be some connection between hurricanes, Class 5 global warming and Russian lady lawyers.

    Meanwhile, Shia’s cuffs are probably still too tight…

  6. They may have a point. If I lived on the coast and the TV weather chick warned that Hurricane Hillary was coming up the coast I’d sure as hell be running for cover whereas if Hurricane McCain was on the way it would just blow itself out, get lost, forget which side of the coast it was on and then snow while I had a beer and watched from the porch.

  7. @Rufus. Megastorm HairyCunt Megan lingers off the coast and keeps changing her track every month sowing destruction on vacationing Russian lady lawyers.

    I don’t know dude. I gave it a shot.

  8. aaaaaaaand …. maybe this all started when they found the need to name every gust of wind that was more powerful than a dog fart a ‘storm’

    no one pays attention to them anymore regardless

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