Fetterman 2.0 – IOTW Report

Fetterman 2.0

Introducing the new and improved (?) John Fetterman. Comes complete with intellectual appearing horn-rimmed glasses. The face that launched a thousand quips has been made over with a Groucho style thick mustache replacing the Billy goat chin growth. Here

This is Fetterman speaking two weeks ago. Note the full scruffy beard. Watch

18 Comments on Fetterman 2.0

  1. I usually don’t buy into the body double bull shit. But the new guy does not look like the old. And they’re right. The ears are light years off. I wonder which one Mrs. Fetterman like best?

  2. Do this:

    Take a selfie. Then have someone take your picture from 10-15 feet away.

    Your ears won’t look the same in both pictures.

    I’m not defending Fetterman. I just can’t stand when people fall for easily-debunked crap.

  3. I’m thinking a lot more could be done to improve your image, John. What about smoking a pipe? Maybe replace the hoodie with a cardigan, complete with the leather elbow patches? Given any thought to wearing a bowler hat? And what about replacing the glasses with a monocle? Remember, image is everything, as long as you don’t try to speak.

  4. Many jug eared persons get their ears pinned, not sure why the biggest Jug Ears of them all didnt.

    Guess the Keyan Queer kept his handles for his boyfriends to grab while he was pulling a Commielier on them.

    Still, body doubles abound in Demonrat world, the Pedo and Hillezelbub regularly trot out theirs. Demonrats at the feet of Lucifer are experts in duplicity and distraction.

    Frankenstein Fakerman reinvented as Walter White is no exception.

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