Fetterman Interviewer Catches Crud from the Establishment – IOTW Report

Fetterman Interviewer Catches Crud from the Establishment


Journalists, leftists, and members of the establishment media collectively trashed NBC News Correspondent Dasha Burns for highlighting Pennsylvania Democrat U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman’s impairments due to a previous stroke.

During Tuesday’s broadcast of NBC Nightly News, Burns noted Fetterman’s stroke has impaired him in a variety of ways, from his comprehension to his basic speech, to the point of him needing a closed captioning system during their in-person interview. More

11 Comments on Fetterman Interviewer Catches Crud from the Establishment

  1. What’s her problem? She ought to know she isn’t supposed to act like a journalist. Just because we have a brain dead zombie at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is no reason to be concerned with the mental acuity of our politicians.

  2. There is a reason “The Press” has been bigoted liberal for 63 years. THIS IS IT! They ostracize anyone that is not a liberal bigot. Or not totally
    on board” with liberal bigotry.
    Burns got her “Shot across her bow”! Next time it will be a full broadside amidship!

  3. Danny, Danny, Danny … you’re letting your obsession get the better of you.
    “SUCK A BIG FATASS ORANGE ASSHOLES.” Go ahead, if that’s your thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that) just leave the humans out of it – we really don’t need to hear (read) about your sexual proclivities.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It doesn’t really matter. Left wants Fetterman to win because he will vote D 100% of the time, will vote however Schumer tells him to. It doesn’t matter if his brain doesn’t work (well he is a Dem after all) as long as he can say aye or nay.
    Similarly, the only reason we at this point want Oz is that he will vote R, well, most of the time. If he actually puts forth legislation that’s just fine, but the vote is what we really need.

  5. Fetterman will have another stroke, and may or may not survive. How do I know? Because he’s had one stroke already.

    Then what? Going to have some dead Pol’s wife finish his term?

    Sorry, but Fetterman is all but buried. But probably too late to push a new person with an unfamiliar name/face.


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