Fetterman’s Howard Dean Moment – IOTW Report

Fetterman’s Howard Dean Moment

12 Comments on Fetterman’s Howard Dean Moment

  1. The difference is that expectations for Dean were pretty high up to that point. Expectations for Fetterman are embarrassingly low.

    It’s the difference between falling from the top rung of a 30’ extension ladder and falling from the bottom one.

  2. Being capable, articulate, coherent, and smart is the new political handicap. Find someone in their 90s, wheelchair bound with 1st grade intelligence and I’ll show you the next democrat president. Bonus points if he’s black, had his cock chopped off, tits sewn on, and worships the devil.

  3. @RadioMattM

    That’s one of the “3 sisters” bridges between the north shore & downtown Pittsburgh – they were yelling for Mongo to move his fat ass, so traffic could get through!

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