Films for ‘White Christian Trash’ – IOTW Report

Films for ‘White Christian Trash’

Major Hollywood Studio Apparently Done
Making Films for ‘White Christian Trash’

NewsBusters – With all this push for Hollywood “diversity” one often wonders if Hollywood has a vendetta against traditional standards of movie making. According to one insider, that’s exactly the case for at least one major studio. Sci-Fi author Nick Cole, co-author of the Galaxy’s Edge series, claimed that during a pitch meeting, a major Hollywood studio passed on a recent project he had been working on, citing the fact that they’re done producing content for “White, Christian, Trash.”

Oh wow, that’s a hell of a way to say it. Perhaps this is the sentiment underlying Hollywood’s spate of inclusivity-over-everything pledges they’ve made in the past few years.


h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

20 Comments on Films for ‘White Christian Trash’

  1. Matthew 24:9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

    Another of the prophecies being fulfilled as the end times come to fruition.

  2. Here is the soup-bone quote;

    “Cole also wrote, “Hollywood is a place filled with the worst people who somehow think they hold the moral high-ground about what gets made while raping girls and molesting small children.” Well that’s quite the indictment. At the very least there is a lot of immorality in Hollywood. Think of Weinstein, Woody Allen, and all the immoral anti-Christian perversion shown in films these days.”

    Exercise your veto power and don’t patronize Hollywood and the woke corporations, not because it will have a fiscal impact on their bottom line, it won’t, but because principled people act on principle.

    The prevailing culture as it is now applauds and can actively support the anti-Christian woke anti-white diversity push without us. They have the dollars and the influence to re-shape our nation into something our fore fathers would not even recognize. But it is antithetical to a moral God fearing people.

  3. They have no imagination.
    They’re too busy remaking old movies and shows substituting white characters with white.
    Blacks are not under represented. If anything they’re over represented. And that’s just a fact, not racist.

  4. They fail to mention Hollywood ran out of new ideas in decades ago. Which is why the only thing you’ve been getting for years is awful remakes, prequels, sequels and every 2 dimensional comic book character imaginable.

    I can’t wait for that a new era of black exploitation films, its already begun…

  5. # Beachmom
    What are you mean? Isn’t life like TV & the movies?
    Aren’t 75$% of all relationships interracial?

    Just know blacks hate seeing that daily more than whites.

  6. Sounds like sour grapes to me. The films that are high box office now are being made by people like the Kendrick brothers, who have a huge following of Christians who can’t wait for their next release. They’ve grown so popular that Sony Pictures has the distribution rights now.

    Families are eager to have films the whole family can enjoy together — no matter their politics. Truth be told, even “progressive” parents want their children to distinguish between right and wrong. It’s a small minority who think it’s a good idea to expose their children to morally reprehensible junk on the big screen.

  7. Unholywood works off a ChiCom/Democrat business model now. They’re going to be tied into the government “infrastructure” program and get beaucoup government bucks to stop making movies for “white Christian trash” and start making screen adaptations for songs like “Wet Ass Pussy” with scripts adapted to ebonics and emojis for the new crop of illiterate stars being brought onboard for the diversity agenda from the finest ghettos in America. They’ll even budget extra money for films to handle the loses caused by extras stealing the sound equipment everyday and improved health care insurance as the new diverse work force insists on sucker punching the Asian gaffer on a weekly basis.

  8. Unless the powers that think they rule us FORCE us to watch the crap that comes from these decadent souls …
    do they believe I give a rip what they think ?!!!

    Thanks for that laugh.

    It seems to be the ‘high concept’ amongst these morons that success in ANY business, starts with insulting your customer.
    They must be learning this in colleges these days.

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