Finally, CNN Gets Some Facts Right – IOTW Report

Finally, CNN Gets Some Facts Right

14 Comments on Finally, CNN Gets Some Facts Right

  1. Gee, I thought CNN was the fake news champ, and dying. Who’s still going to the main network of the Ministry of Propaganda (MSM) group for actual truth?? I wrote them off as “don’t bother with” wasting my time on BS.

  2. Why didn’t Winston Churchill, after WWI, carve out some shithole out of some other larger shithole to dump these shitheads in? The rest of the Arab world has traditionally despised the Palestinians, and for good reason.

  3. Expand this to include the fact that muslims from the Balkans were inducted into the SS and fought alongside them. Himmler admired them greatly. Now they’re in Congress. Good move dems.

  4. The Palestinians were about providing safe holes in the ground for Israelis.

    hmmmm…John King. Maybe the only honest person at CNN. We should check to see if his honesty continues until he loses his job, or if this is just a one-off.

  5. This creepy ASSociation has been known for years.

    Muftis and Nazees in bed.

    Palestine was created in around 1912 thank you to tooth challenged British help.


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