Finally Figured Out Why the Left Supports All Things Muslim – IOTW Report

Finally Figured Out Why the Left Supports All Things Muslim

Because the filthy dirty pigs leave their gathering places in the exact same condition.

Here’s how the refugees left the Autobahn.

Here’s what it looked like after the Obama Inauguration-


After Woodstock-


Grounds After 2 Million Man TEA Party Rally-


Nuff said.



10 Comments on Finally Figured Out Why the Left Supports All Things Muslim

  1. The garbage is a minor point.
    The German anti-intellectuals that created progressivism in the late 19th and early 20th century modeled it on Islam.
    Mohammed really invented the “Government and God are one and the same” concept. Many governments had, and have claimed to be run by God, or a God, but the government was never, until Islam, part and parcel to God.
    Islam and Progressives do not differentiate between God and government. They are one and the same.
    This mechanistic, non spiritual viewpoint leads to easy dismissal of life and rights of people as the son of God is not man.
    It is government.

  2. Same goes with the Occupy Wall Street crowd, they were also a filthy bunch of pigs. Crapped in the parks ], on police cars, etc.

    A couple of years ago I attended a Tea Party Rally on the steps of the Clarkstown, NY, Courthouse . About 250 people showed up to listen to some pretty good speakers. I met some old friends and was introduced to some new ones. That’s the way Tea Party rallies are.
    The next day, The Journal News, the same rag that published the names and addresses of gun owners, had a cartoon showing a platoon of DPW workers cleaning up the mess. There was no mess. The Courthouse steps and area was spotless when we left.
    That is how we are.
    I fired off an email to the Editor objecting. They printed my letter but did not apologize, and left out the harsh part. I tried to contact the cartoonist by phone, to no avail. He was a sneaky British import POS. So I let it go. But I made my point. These lib bastards should be jacked up every time they lie.

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