FINI – FBI Scapegoats Hillary’s Crimes By Citing Her Concussion, Blood Clots and Memory Loss – IOTW Report

FINI – FBI Scapegoats Hillary’s Crimes By Citing Her Concussion, Blood Clots and Memory Loss

The FBI has just made the most solid case for Hillary to release all of her medical records. They said her health was probably the reason her answers to them were sketchy and contradictory.


Zero Hedge –With much of the recent discussion focusing on Hillary Clinton’s general health condition, and mental acuity in particular, we wonder if the FBI just threw her under the bus with the following statement which links Hillary’s “inability” to remember her transition instructions with her 2012 concussion and blood clot:

CLINTON stated she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from State during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in early 2013. However, in December of 2012, CLINTON suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot. Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received. CLINTON did not have any discussions with aides about turning over her email records, nor did anyone from State request them. She believed her work-related emails were captured by her practice of sending email to the email address of her staff. CLINTON was unaware of the requirement to turn over printed records at that time. Her physical records were boxed up and handled by aides.
ht/ Czar of Defenestration

26 Comments on FINI – FBI Scapegoats Hillary’s Crimes By Citing Her Concussion, Blood Clots and Memory Loss

  1. Oh the “nobody told me” defense. Riiight. Everyone knew but you, bitch.

    If she’s unable to remember as SOS, then how is she able to remember there were no classified emails going back and forth, hmmmm????

    Put the bitch in jail and tell her she’s at a resort. According to her blood clot, she won’t know the difference.

  2. She’s counting 2012, but she was doing the same shit on a ‘normal’ brain before that.
    Still guilty, still a liar.

    Have her brain Xrayed and see what else she has clotting up there.

  3. The stress from her unethical, dishonset and criminal behavior over the last four decades, Watergate to the present, at least, and especially the last couple years, is catching up with her. The last six months its accelerated, andi its now about to spin out of spin control. If she can get herself to the stage for the first debate, she won’t have the strength to finish it.

    If she does make it through she can thank modern medicine: she’l be drugged big time on some cocktail of drugs. The fun part will be when the cocktail [how many drugs will she be on? Maybe Michael Jackson’s docorcan help ] is dosed wrong and she wigs out, physically or mentally, or both, in front of the nation. Karma. The destruction she’s created over the last forty years has caught up with her, and its raging. Its a bith, bitch.

    First debate four weeks away.

  4. If a low level employee of the Dept. of State or any local, state, federal agency used any of these lies to excuse breaking the law, rules and regulations they would be prosecuted to the maximum.

    So the FBI was dumb enough to believe Hillary’s excuses although she was required to adhere to the same rules in the office of president, US Senator and State Dept.? FBI is making a laughable excuse for their corrupt and partisan behavior. Comey, you are a worthless POS.

  5. Why would Comey release these records, and so quickly? He didn’t have to do either.
    He had to know there would be fallout from what the records are telling us. Maybe its his way of trying to help right a decision he or someone else made about prosecution.
    He did not have to release the records.

  6. Comey CANNOT absolve himself from his decision and words.
    He failed to be a professional, he failed to be non-partisan, he failed the US justice system.
    Comey built his legacy, he will be forever remembered for these failures, deservedly so.

  7. @All Too Much – Perhaps this is what Comey was planning all along, knowing that any indictment would be quashed with no major consequences at that point in the campaign. Perhaps he was biding his time so that his revelations late in the campaign would have a better chance of torpedoing the witch.

    I don’t actually believe that, but it is an interesting thought.

  8. @Meerkat Brzezinski
    Our family of seven have had numerous devices over the past 26 years. My wife even dropped one in the toilet….we never lost the device but we made sure we lost the tongs we used to get it out.
    Of course the device was fried.

  9. This is all such a bunch of horsecrap.

    If Clinton’s medical problems incapacitated her that badly, then she owed it to the country either to resign or take a medical leave. In the latter case, I’m sure Obama could have appointed an acting secreamy of state. But of course, like the selfish, narcissistic shrew that she is, she couldn’t stand to let go of the power of her office, even for a brief, temporary period of time.

    I hope Trump is a vicious brute with her at the debate.

  10. @cato, ha! But even when you never lost a device? Right! It always turned up either misplaced or otherwise. The custodian, in the school that I was teaching a few years back had a flip phone that fell in the toilet. Me, being the computer science teacher, he came to me for help. I didn’t even own a cell phone myself at the time but popped the battery out, shook out all the water and propped it in his windshield of his car. It revived. Common sense, right? Where is there common sense now?

  11. Dear J Edgar Hoover:

    I forgot that I was supposed to pay income taxes on all my ill gotten gains and that I was not supposed to murder a goodly number of my competitors and that I was not supposed to rob and steal from people.

    Am I forgiven?

    Al Capone

  12. So Hillary is mentally and physically unfit to be held accountable for her criminal actions.

    Who is the fucking idiot who thought she would be an ideal presidential candidate?

  13. Comey is a Shit Weasel. He knew Hillary was in this illegal shit up to her eyeballs and purposely so. He knew why she was doing it. And he’s fully aware this criminal is within an eyeblink of being elected to the highest office on this planet today.

    He has no honor. He threw it away. I do not understand how he can look at himself in the mirror while shaving.

    He was presented with the choice of doing his job for the nation and its people, or abdicating a position of trust and duty.

    He flinched. Knowingly and purposely.

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