Fiorina On Hillary – IOTW Report

Fiorina On Hillary

Yikes. We can do this pretty much all day with Fiorina.

21 Comments on Fiorina On Hillary

  1. “But he [Cruz] has erected an inviting target for Democrats.

    “Are they going to run on [Cruz’s] record of shutting down the government and denying climate science, or on her record of exporting American jobs, tanking Hewlett Packard’s stock price when she was CEO and losing the 2010 California Senate race?” California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton asked in a prepared statement.

    “It’s a marriage made in heaven.”


  2. Cheap shot, really. Trump invited both Clintons to his wedding and provided political donations to her campaign and $100k to the Clinton Foundation. Look neither Cruz or Trump are perfect candidates but I have a feeling Trump will not live up to his rhetoric.

  3. TO Stop2Think

    You have Cruz’s proven voting record which shows Cruz does not live up to his rhetoric…
    * May 2015 – Cruz creates a “Fast Track” Trans Pacific trade rider to attach to TPA, which changes the vote threshold for approval/disapproval to a simple majority – thereby ensuring its passage. Cruz also votes down an Amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    * June/July 2015 – Cruz votes against his own TPA bill (PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY), though the rider created ensures its passage.
    …except when he knows in advance that his “noble and principled stand” on an issue doesn’t stand a chance of succeeding. That’s a definition of a “Summer Soldier.”

  4. Did her and Cruz both go to the “William Shatner Actor’s Academy?” Their…pauses…between…words..make…Shatner’s…delivery…look…

  5. So is Trumps past praise of Hillary going to be front and center?
    Of course not!
    Everybody has a past they get to be held accountable for except Trump. Everything more than 3 years ago was done by a leftist communist loving imitator that kept the real Trump locked in a closet until his escape 3 years ago.
    By all means, please, continue to attack Fiorina for saying the exact same things Trump has said. Anybody who advises you to not shit in your mess kit should be ignored.

  6. No Charlie, I am saying that Trump supporters are holding up a mirror and attacking her for saying and doing (business downturns) the same things Trump has.
    You people are calling attention to the similarities between her and Trump as a bizarre way of attacking her.
    Claiming that she is unfit for being like Trump doesn’t say much for Trump, does it?
    This is part of the strategy by Cruz to do with Trump what Lincoln did with Seward.

  7. After Trump wins the nomination, liberal groups will be flooding the airwaves with Trump sound bites and clips of his positions.

    Nuking up Japan and S Korea

    Killing wives and children of terrorists..Aunt’s and Uncles too?

    Bush lied (to Hiliary) about WMD’s to trick us into war

    My sister would be a great supreme court justice

    I love eminent domain

    Hilliary was the best Sec of State ever

    That’s just a few for the liberals! And other groups will be adding:

    I love the Bureau of Land management

    Planned Parenthood is great!

    I’m raising taxes on the rich

    I’ve been buying politicians all my life

    and on and on and on and on…..

    BTW, the MSM hasn’t even started on him yet. Just like McCain, they were easy on him until he got the nomination because they see who the weakest opponent is. It’s gonna be such a fun summer watching our world crumble!

  8. Oh, I forgot an important one. Dudes in the chicks bathrooms. Bruce Jenner went to Trump Tower to shake the weasel in the the womens room since Donald told him he could. It makes such lovely TV!

    Making America great again one bathroom at a time!

    Thanks Trump!

  9. Here’s a comment from CTH after just watching the Evansville, IN rally with Booby Knight.

    “I’m a voracious reader – a devotee of international authors because of what they tell us about the cultures from which they come – an armchair traveller. Australian fiction seldom has a keen hero, more than likely it’s about an average guy who doesn’t always win. You won’t always find a happy ending in those books, but a satisfying one nonetheless. Russians – thick and dark and dissonant – strength through adversity – its about surviving. The French – romantic and idealistic but not exactly strong heroes, men with flaws – justice is a long-serving theme that somehow eventually comes in the end, not necessarily in the form of victory. The Irish, melancholy with hope. But I can only take so much of it before I drift back to American literature and authors where the strong are celebrated, American heroes WIN, the guy gets the girl, perseverance is rewarded. American stories are about excellence and success and progress. Man defeating circumstance. We don’t tell tales about third place. Read Louis L’Amour’s “Last of The Breed” and get back to me.

    Trump is an American story. He has decided to throw his shoulder against the grinder’s wheel with us. For too long we’ve sunk into the mire without the strength to lift our country out of it, and all the ropes tossed to us from those we trusted had anchors attached, sinking us further. I had all but given up hope. But Americans love a winner, and with Trump we have our champion. Too bad we can’t read ahead, but this I know, we celebrate winners in our culture, we are drawn to them. It’s why Trump is mesmerizing and gets the Press to cover him in spite of themselves. Unlike any other culture in the world, our Achievements MATTER. This is a Meritocracy.

    The other guys have Crooked Hillary and scandal-ridden Bill. Every single Hillary supporter I’ve met cannot answer “What achievements in her life lead you to support her?”.

    That’s how I know we will win. And Win Big. And that Cruz fella is just a greasy spot on the road in the review mirror. Count on it.”

  10. I mean’t Bobby Knight. Here’s another comment – and then I’ll stop.

    “Trump, and his ancestors, and our ancestors, and people like us today are whom the Constitution was written for. It’s why America was founded. So that a man could be free from the shackles of tyranny and fascism, and monarchies and noble houses. America was meant to be for the Common Man to build their own House – a House to be passed onto their children and their children’s children. In that context being known as the Common Man is exactly the right term.
    It’s also why so many of us can identify with Trump. I said yesterday, “that he is one of us, and we are like him.” It is that perception and perspective that accounts, in my opinion, for the attraction and affinity to the man known as Donald Trump.”

  11. George Bush called Reagan’s economic plan “Voodoo economics” Reagan went on to tap George as his VP.

    As long as Hillary goes down in flames that is all that matters. My state is over and done with. When the fight among ourselves is over- Trump or Cruz, Cruz or Trump Hillary has to be blown out of the water.

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