Fire At Amazon Warehouse Blamed On Solar Panels – IOTW Report

Fire At Amazon Warehouse Blamed On Solar Panels

Fox News

Investigators have determined that a two-alarm fire at an Amazon warehouse in Maryland was ignited by solar panels on the roof. 

The fire broke out Wednesday in the Perryville warehouse and quickly spread across the roof. Firefighters worked to extinguish fires on “multiple solar panels, HVAC units & roofing materials.” 

The estimated losses totaled around $500,000 and took around an hour and a half to fight due to the fire breaking out in an “unprecedented” area of the building. More

14 Comments on Fire At Amazon Warehouse Blamed On Solar Panels

  1. …solar panel firefighting is SUPER fucked up, too. I don’t recommend it.

    …it also jacks up your ventilation strategy because the NOT stupid place to put your ventilation hole above the actual FIRE, but you can’t do that with a possibly charged panel right there so you have to futz around with powered cross-ventilation that is WAY less efficient, more likely to SPREAD the fire by pushing it somewhere else, and obviously takes longer to set up and fire doesn’t wait so in a rescue situation, solar may well get someone killed…

  2. …also, as far as unprecidented, it isn’t unusual for fires to break out on a roof from ventilators and air conditioners and such, but fire tends to burn UP and not DOWN so you have a little time to deal with the thing that’s on fire before it starts impinging the actual structure. Most flat roofs are loose fill, meaning they have a fire resistant and water resistant lining material with a covering of gravel, so it isn’t particularly flammable from above in typical cases.

    All that goes out the window for a solar panel fire though. It probably drips flaming wads of toxic plastic and molten silicon in that gets between the rocks and burns hotter than the builder anticipated, and as most plastics are themselves flammable and some of this structure may have self-oxydizing materials like magnesium in it, it may get a jump on you that way and weaken the roof before you even have a chance to get there, then it falls in on the cardboard-box filled production floor below, now you have a REAL fire load with plastic flaming brands everywhere and sparking backfed panels promoting the conflaguration and possibly iginiting incompletely consumed fire gases yet again.

    Also, it’s Amazon. That most likely means it’s STUPID huge and a LONG walk from the nearest wall you can ladder – with a ladder truck or Quint because they are very TALL, too – and you’ve got a hike in front of you with a hose pack and LOOOOOOOOOOOONG fire hose runs when you’re not especially sure of the deck below you, and you CAN’T use deck guns or platform guns because the place is just too fucking big to reach.

    Your other option is to get below and try to pound the fire UP, but that’s pretty damn unsafe and dependant on the interior water supply, which was probably comprmoised when the collapsing roof destroyed the sprinkler plumbing.

    Also, 5 will get you 10 that the solar panel installer drilled holes in ALL the fire stops across the inside of the roof to run his wires, and did it sloppily or just removed entire panels. Look up the next time you’re in a warehowuse and you’ll see vertical hanging metal curtains. These are interior fire stops designed to stop horzontal spread of the flames in the paint on the inside of the roof, but everyone doesn’t understand what they do so they just tear them up or tear them out and run their utilities any damn where…

  3. In otherwords, let’s blame it on climate chaos and the white man. Without climate chaos solar panels wouldn’t be new technology and prone to fire, they would be existing, safe, and reliable. We got a late start on this technology because of our reliance on fossil fuels in another pitiful display of white supremacy and colonialism. Solar panels could have existed back in the 1500s with the bright minds of black and brown people, instead they were relegated to a life of slavery and their talents squashed by the white man and his motivation to rule over stolen land. This injustice must be solved the only way we know how: kill, kill, kill the white man and steal back his stolen land.


  4. Silicon based solar panels are too inefficient to justify their cost. A new technology is needed to make them competitive (besides artificially increasing the price of oil/gas products).


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