Fired CNN producer Takes Plea In Child Abuse Case, Could Face 10 Years In Prison – IOTW Report

Fired CNN producer Takes Plea In Child Abuse Case, Could Face 10 Years In Prison

BURLINGTON, Vt. — John Griffin, a former CNN producer accused of trying to lure women and their young daughters to his Vermont ski home for “sexual training”  accepted a plea deal on Monday.

Griffin, a former Connecticut resident who lived in Stamford and Norwalk, appeared Monday in federal court in Burlington, Vt., wearing in a forest-green prison uniform. He pleaded guilty to one count of using a facility of interstate commerce to attempt to knowingly persuade, induce, entice and coerce minors into engaging in unlawful sexual activity as part of a plea agreement. 

Griffin, 45, is scheduled to be sentenced on March 20. U.S. District Judge William K. Sessions III said Griffin faces a minimum of 10 years in prison that could go up to a life sentence. Sessions noted that he could impose a sentence more or less severe than the suggested guidelines.  MORE

SNIP: This is Sam Brinton’s mugshot. What’s with Brinton and Griffin’s giant heads?

8 Comments on Fired CNN producer Takes Plea In Child Abuse Case, Could Face 10 Years In Prison

  1. Perverts have huge hairless heads to house all that thick bone material.
    The actual brain capacity is about the size of a pecan.

    You could look it up!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That will enhance his resume’ for a high level position in any future Democrat Administration. Do the time, move to Washington, Oregon or California and live like a king from that date forward.

  3. Uh, those pouty big lips he has will see some forced use out of them. He’ll have fun at shower time – he’ll be wishing he was back at his ski house. A liberal finally gets his come uppins.

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