First Biden Said You’re Not Black Enough… Now You’re Not ______ Enough… – IOTW Report

First Biden Said You’re Not Black Enough… Now You’re Not ______ Enough…

ht/ woody

14 Comments on First Biden Said You’re Not Black Enough… Now You’re Not ______ Enough…

  1. “Bobblehead” AL, project much. The evil little black troll always “griftin” trying to prove he’s progressive. In reality, he’s a wimp who envies woman.

    BTW, Nice to know some Demwit black men are sick of the constant feminist “black queen” crap – sicking.
    Unlikely, but it is their chance to wake up from the woke.

  2. “you are so insecure as a man.” Really Al? Since you broght up the subject of insecurity, mind explaining why you’re pandering to that ugly, fat ass loser of parasite? Could it be desperation? Had your eyes checked lately?


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