First Bill Out Of The House Does Away With Even The Pretense Of Ever Holding Another “Free and Fair” Election – IOTW Report

First Bill Out Of The House Does Away With Even The Pretense Of Ever Holding Another “Free and Fair” Election

Gateway Pundit

In their first act, this Congress led by true communists apparently, is ready to pass a bill allowing all future elections in the USA to be run exactly the same as any communist regime in history.

The Populist Press is reporting the first bill put together by this Pelosi-led Congress will eliminate free and fair elections forever.  Fraud will be the mandate and Democrats, the kings of fraud, will win every election henceforth.  The bill is labeled by the Communist Democrats – “For the People Act of 2021“. More

24 Comments on First Bill Out Of The House Does Away With Even The Pretense Of Ever Holding Another “Free and Fair” Election

  1. Nancy has slipped deep into psychosis after having Trump mop the floor with her for the last four years.
    Now any and all actions taken by her are fueled by a deep seething rage and focus on personal revenge.

  2. Looking at that pic of pelosi with that mask on made think that I hadn’t seen a mask with a hand on it yet. You know, like if you’re trying to gag someone. Not that I’m thinking of it, it just crossed my mind.

  3. They are either brazen, now that their fraud elections succeeded, or are scared shitless. Either way, they realize these next two years are all they have to ram their draconian dreams down our throats. They learned from obummer’s first two years fumbling with obummercare and losing the house before they could do more damage.

  4. Throughout history, the vast majority of rulers over a populace have been evil people.
    The good ruler was always an anomaly.
    For many years the United States had been protected from complete evil rulers.
    Obviously, this is no longer the case.
    For those with faith and belief your duty is as always to keep your mind and eyes on the Savior and go about your business serving He who first loved us.
    The situation is unfortunate for the country, but not unexpected.

  5. Four Words:
    If it hasn’t dawned upon anyone yet that the reason the newly self-appointed leadership of this nation is hurriedly and desperately trying to get back to “Business as Usual”, it’s because their revenue stream was severely interrupted during President Donald J. Trump’s time in office.
    The best way to shut-down these ass-clowns is to strip away the very thing that keeps them corrupt.
    Just my opinion.

  6. This has been around before, but some things are worth a second look.

    “A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway just outside of Washington, DC.
    Nothing was moving.
    Suddenly, a man knocks on the driver’s window.
    The driver rolls down the window and asks, What’s going on?
    Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Senate, and they’re asking for a 100 million-dollar ransom.
    Otherwise, they say they’re going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire.
    We’re going from car to car, collecting donations.
    How much is everyone giving, on the average? asks the driver.
    The man replies, About a gallon.”

  7. @ Jethro

    And they learned from 2016 that that cheating just enough to lose wasn’t a winning strategy.

    What would you like?

    Give me one of those shit sandwiches.

    How would you like it?

    Could you put it in a nice ice cream bar wrapper?

    No problem!

  8. I am not sure they actually need this bill. The states do not uphold the law, the courts, including the Supremes, aren’t willing to listen. Seems like a waste of time, unless they really think that there might be an uprising…

  9. About the last hope would be for individual states to sue the federal government for infringing on their constitutional rights to se their own rules for elections.

    That assume the supreme court could summon up enough courage to take on the case. But who am I kidding?

  10. We should just begin printing pre-filled ballots by the millions and overwhelm the counters in time for the next election. Sprinkle a few legitimate votes in the mix to further flummox those responsible for certification.
    “Hoe dare you deny Americans the right to vote!!”

  11. I canceled my voter registration, no longer participating. Call me a quitter. I don’t care. I refuse to take part in a rigged system that has the audacity to call it my “greatest right.” Dominion votes for me anyhow. I would consider reinstating it if there’s some program in place to investigate and reform voter fraud, but democrat’s HR.1 bill is the complete opposite of that. With that, I hold my middle finger in the face of America. KMA.

  12. I’m surprised old John Morgan doesn’t demand royalty payments for the use of his copyrighted “For the People”…
    Oh, never mind, the old drunk is a democrat.

  13. ecp
    If true, you are a quitter.
    Rolling over and playing dead or trying to win with a new upstart party will not be the answer.
    I wish there were a real Conservative party. However, despite RINO infiltration, the Republican Party overall is far superior to the democrats.

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