FISA ‘reform’ runs a freight train through the 4th Amendment – IOTW Report

FISA ‘reform’ runs a freight train through the 4th Amendment

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s “compromise” legislation is long on reauthorization and short on reform.


As the chief policy officer of BitChute, a video sharing platform serving millions of U.S. users, I’m closely watching the House and Senate’s discussions on possibly renewing or changing Section 702 of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act. For anyone unaware, Section 702 currently permits warrantless interception, collection, storage, and queries of communications related to “foreign intelligence information.” For well over a decade, Section 702 has enabled our government to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreigners and Americans alike.

With the expiration of the program’s authorization looming, and a vote on a proposal scheduled to take place as early as Wednesday, let’s see what sort of reforms our elective representatives might enact. more here

10 Comments on FISA ‘reform’ runs a freight train through the 4th Amendment

  1. And the proposed exemptions for elected officials run afoul of the Equal Protection clause. For all the times Congress has pulled that one, we should tie them up in the courts until the end of time.

  2. Again, Speaker Johnson falls in line with the appeasers, Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy.

    This Bill should be VOTED DOWN, or better yet, not brought to a vote.

    When a NEW CONGRESS is sworn in on 2025, the FISA reform should be revisited with significant reforms and Constitutional protections of US Citizens.

    NO MORE Compromise, Speaker Johnson !!

  3. FISA is a Constitutional abomination.
    The FISA “judge” who was “fooled” by the FBI has yet to be censured and impeached (nor tried, convicted, and executed for treason).

    Our country is disintegrating before our very eyes – I guess the same way the ancient empires dissolved while most grabbed what they could and scrambled for cover.

    Sad to live through times like these.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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