There’s a Jakarta Muslim on trial for blasphemy. He’s a governor, and he’s in the third session where witnesses are testifying against him.
He had a problem with one of the witnesses, saying that the man is lying about where he worked. On the witness list it says, “Fitsa Hats.”
This was a way of obfuscating, says Ahok Tjahaja, that Habib Novel worked for an infidel corporation, Pizza Hut.
Thus began a social media game.
Mek Donal
Setarbak Koffi
Burger Emir
ht/ The Big Owe
jaka box
Kazmikh Fitsa
I’d like a medium meat lovers pizza with extra ham, extra bacon, and extra pork sausage.
Goat-fil-a, Or Sheep-fil-a. BAA!
Fatwa Fitness
Kufarr Cakes
Shiite Sandwich Shop
Suni Sonic
Boko Kabobs
Jaka box sounds gross and disgusting. I wonder what 2 for $0.99 goat tacos taste like?
Karnaki Dehli (RIP)
No corned beef for you Uncle Al for that. Pastrami does sound good though.
Sunnis bar-Baku
Mohammeds pulled-goat sandwich’s.
I forgot to annie Go Trump on that last anonymous!
How do you pull a goat apart?
With 2 forks, same way ya pull a cooked pork apart.
annie Go Trump
Falafel House
Seven Allahven
Aloha Snackbar
Fista hat? Isn’t that a latex glove?
3 LOLs in a row!
You win
I don’t think we’d say, Oh thank Heaven for Seven Allahven. I’ll pass on their Slurpees and Big Gulps.
Jamba Jews
I Chop
You’ll literally lose your head over the taste of our pancakes.
Well, as they say in Italy: “If the shoe fitsa…”
Burka Kahn – Palace of the Sultanic
Fitsa shits?
Allah Garden
Caliphatesa Fista
Steak and Sheik
Mel’s Medina
Taqiya Bell