Fix-It Ticket – IOTW Report

Fix-It Ticket

12 Comments on Fix-It Ticket

  1. that was fantastic. We need more cops just like him.

    I drive a jeep w/ F_BIDEN written Across my spare wheel cover with permanent black marker, In very big letters. I get Great comments on it all the time.

  2. The older Dodge pickup is perfect for driving through Portland with a tailgate sticker that says CLUELESS, CRAZY, QUEER AND COMMIE, STUCK ON STUPID THEY VOTE LIKE OBAMMIE. High-five to middle finger ratio around 12:1. Cruising thru Fred Meyer parking lot, spotted a mega leftie with way too may bumper stickers. Backed the truck into parking space in front of him. Really hoping he got so mad he drove his Vulvo into my bumper before leaving.

  3. Not very realistic. Here in California, the driver would have been taken into protective custody under section 5150 of the Health and Safety Code. He would then be placed on an involuntary 3-day hold for mental health assessment, his license would be revoked for mental incompetency, and he would move right up the line for tenure at any accredited teaching institution.


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