Pastor Manning wants to make sure you know that sodomites will have flames coming out of their butthole.
Someone edited a Manning sermon, just leaving the parts where he says “flames” and “buttholes.”
The effect is pretty… well… see for yourself.
BUTT, the unedited version is actually better. (Although, the uploader doesn’t like Manning and types a graphic on the screen that is actually ironic when you think about it.)
At one point Manning says the sodomites will have to wear asbestos diapers! And chair manufacturers will have to make special chairs for people that have flames coming out of their butthole.
HT/ Petrus
So, is he trying to say tamales make you gay?
Brad making chilli again
Manning is not incorrect in denouncing sodomy, but he is a false prophet for claiming a prophetic word from God that He is going to do any of these things.
First, God has handed over all coming judgment to the Son.
Second, the whole world is, for now, under grace because ALL who are not Christ’s have been counted in unbelief and sin. No exceptions.
That means Christ is not going to single out any one individual or group to judge. That would make Him a respecter of men, which He is not.
This is the quiet before the storm, while the door of the ark is still open to whosoever will come. But when next He speaks, it will be in undiluted wrath UPON ALL WHO HATE THE SON. It will be poured out upon ALL who love sin and have rejected His saving Good News of grace in Christ.
Homosexuals are not alone in that–most religious people in Christendom hate God’s grace just as much, instead devoting themselves to their traditions, self-righteous works, empty rituals and false Christs. Don’t be numbered among them.
Hey Wally, get me a gallon of Ice Cream while yer out.
Sure Beave. What flavor do you want?
Doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna eat it.
Whaddya gonna do with it?
I’m gonna sit in it!
That got funny in the middle then repetitious by the end.
Bless you,Pastor, for reminding folks that it’s sodomy, it’s about penises and buttholes.
No achievement worthy of pride. Nothing noble or ‘brave’, just buttholes. FLAMING BUTTHOLES.
There’s a lot of flaming buttholes at CNN.
Just sayin’.
Which one is gonna have the flames coming outta his butthole–Reggie Love or Obama?
Just looking at the thumbnail and title, made me think it was an article about Obama’s ‘final’ speech to the UN.