Flashback – CBS Coverage of Election Night 1972 – IOTW Report

Flashback – CBS Coverage of Election Night 1972

It’s an interesting interview with Sammy Davis Jr., a longtime democrat who jumped ship to support Nixon because, as he says, as soon as the Democrat Convention was over the door was shut on the faces of black leaders.

Some things never change.

Also, we see a glimpse of partisan bitterness out of the black woman reporter, who doesn’t seem to be covering the news as much as running defense for the left.

11 Comments on Flashback – CBS Coverage of Election Night 1972

  1. “Groovy man”, fantastic clip. Sammy Davis Jr. was one of the best. He was exceptionally talented. Glad he finally, “got it”. I figured it out thirty years ago and became a Republican. Despite the democRats take over of the current Republican party, it’s still about principles – conservative principles.

  2. I commented before I watched the video. Even 45 years ago, the press was tilted in favor of the dimmocrats. This video is verifiable, absolute evidence of it. I already knew this, but seeing it first hand just solidifies my recollections.

  3. That was awesome and proof if you live long enough history just repeats. Makes the millennials with their tantrums and complete lack of historical perspective all the more ridiculous.

  4. I remember all that. At one event, Sammy was taking a pic of Nixon and said, “Hey, man, I’m the pool reporter from Jet”.

    Even 45 years ago, the press was tilted in favor of the dimmocrats. This video is verifiable, absolute evidence of it. I already knew this, but seeing it first hand just solidifies my recollections.

    They came out of the closet once the KGB told them they wanted the Vietnam War discredited, but even in ’64 you saw it.

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