Flashback: Cenk Uygur Making Fun of Everyone Who “Believes Weiner Wasn’t Hacked” – IOTW Report

Flashback: Cenk Uygur Making Fun of Everyone Who “Believes Weiner Wasn’t Hacked”

Indulge me while I enjoy this glorious day, the day all of the Weiner apologists and Breitbart bashers get to see Weiner being sentenced to jail time for something they all said was “hacking by republicans.”

Kind of makes you wonder who is going to be frogmarched  2 years from now after all these claims of “Russian hacking.”

In the video below he provides “ironclad evidence” that Weiner was hacked, even ending the segment with some idiotic sound machine that declares “end of this.”

This is great to watch. It doesn’t age well for Cenk.


24 Comments on Flashback: Cenk Uygur Making Fun of Everyone Who “Believes Weiner Wasn’t Hacked”

  1. Thank you Andrew Breitbart. Thank you Carlos Danger. It’s been more fun than a barrel of sex crazed, perverted Democrats. It’s been swell watching this show of Democrat morality.

  2. A normal response to someone asking about an inappropriate photo coming from your social media account would be WTH are you talking about – not I WAS HACKED, that might a photo I had in my Twitter feed that was altered (huh?!).

  3. weiner hacked ?

    what republican has the knowledge, time and ambition, plus, what was the reason for this hacking ?

    what would weiner have to do to disappoint this idiot cheerleader ?

  4. You know, everyone has fantasies or horrible thoughts about what they might do if they didn’t have a conscience, like maybe finally telling their irritating neighbor off or cutting the line to get service faster. In all my wildest dreams I would never wish to be Cenk or Maddcow or do what they do. Nothing I could dream up could be as unconscionable as that.

  5. AA,

    Your analysis of Chenk & Maddcow are 100% spot on. To peddle the half truths and bald faces lies that they do require a person to have sold their soul. I’m sure it just started off with the half truths because it was for a greater purpose. I wonder if they ever had a moment of clarity that a half truth is a whole lie.

    May God have mercy on their souls because in this life I will wage an eternal struggle against those that love and make lies.

  6. @Dadof4
    That is so rich!
    Huma acting exactly like I imagined her to be around her exceedingly self-important, self-destructing husband.
    ‘Tis a beautiful thing to witness, indeed!

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