Flashback- Chuck Schumer Bowing to Putin, Chasing After Him Like Puppy Dog – IOTW Report

Flashback- Chuck Schumer Bowing to Putin, Chasing After Him Like Puppy Dog

21 Comments on Flashback- Chuck Schumer Bowing to Putin, Chasing After Him Like Puppy Dog

  1. I can remember gas costing .25 a gallon in 1972 and I could fill up my 62 VW microbus (it only had a 10 gal. gas tank and would go about 200 miles on a tank of gas) for $2.50. Of course the minimum wage was $1.65 an hr. and I made $2.71 an hr. at the time. Adjusted for inflation we’re still paying the same approximate price for gas if not more as we did back then and if it wasn’t for the asshole in chief and his green weenie policies we would still be paying about $2.30 – $2.50 a gal. for gas or less, like we did last yr. before the usurper took over and bollixed everything up.

  2. My wife and I had a red 69 VW Beetle which was one of our favorite cars. We sold it after our son was born in 82 because it was a little small but we should’ve kept it as a second car, I miss that car. My brother has a mid 70’s VW Super Beetle which he keeps in his garage that is in excellent condition and is probably worth $10,000 or more dollars if he ever bothers to sell it.

  3. @geoff the aardvark
    I grew up with a red 1959 VW Beetle. My parents had four kids. My little sister and I sat in the little section behind the back seat when we traveled on the highway to visit the grandparents!
    I learned how to drive in a blue 1974 VW Beetle.
    Good times!
    Back to the video-Schumer is a boot-licker. What a buffoon! LOL, he gave Vlad a donut!

  4. At this time Putin was very much wanting to integrate with the West and the US and EU continually rebuffed his attempts to be apart of the west economically. This is what helped form the Putin we have today.

  5. My first car was a 68 vw. Had it when I was in the navy and used it to go between northern ky and norfolk va. Got home for pennies and it would go in the snow when nothing else would. Like to have it now. Oh yea, almost forgot….. schumer can eat shit.

  6. I had a ’66 GTO in 1973. It got eight MPG. No problem, though. Girlfriend’s stepdad drove a gasoline tanker and I was provided with free gas for over a year. Good times! Back then, he was allowed to keep any gas in his tank after all deliveries were made because he had to start the next morning with an empty tank. He kept about thirty 55 gallon drums full of gasoline at their house in the country.

  7. I drove my Dad’s 62 VW bug (while he was in Vietnam in 69-70) in college. There was no gas gauge so I used a grease pencil and wrote on the dashboard when the next 200 miles would be. I was in college in the DC area so gas was “expensive” at around 25 cents/gallon. I could go a long way on a gallon!

  8. My 62 VW microbus also didn’t have a gas gauge that worked, I knew that around 200 miles I needed to get gas. I ran out of gas outside of Pendleton, Oregon once and had to walk a few miles to get some gas in a gas can and fill the gas tank in Pendleton in order to make it home to Spokane going home thru the Wallowa Valley in Eastern Oregon and up to Lewiston, Idaho and home.


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