Flat Earth Society Has Members All Around the Globe – IOTW Report

Flat Earth Society Has Members All Around the Globe


Flat-Earth theorist and self-taught rocket scientist ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes has catapulted himself half a mile into the air aboard a homemade rocket in Californian desert town.

The 61-year-old limo-driver-turned-rocket-scientist launched his steam-powered rocket and reached an altitude of 1,875 feet (572m) near Amboy, California on Saturday. The event was previously delayed due variously to technical problems and/or lack of permission.

The landing was hard, as it sheared off the nose cone of the rocket and the man’s back was aching after the flight, according to AP.

“I’m tired of people saying I chickened out and didn’t build a rocket. I’m tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it,”Hughes said.

Hughes is going to run for governor of California.

video of launch HERE

29 Comments on Flat Earth Society Has Members All Around the Globe

  1. I have asked the following question whenever I encounter the flatheads, and I always get two types of responses. They say something about toilets or they change the subject. But they can never address the question because what they can see with their own eyes tells them they are wrong.

    The question? I thought you would never ask…

    Since I have 25 years in the weather guessing game, it is about weather…

    Since every single one of the Low pressure systems in the Northern hemisphere spin counterclockwise, and ALL of the High pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere spin clockwise…
    How do you explain the FACT that ALL Low pressure systems in the Southern Hemisphere spin clockwise and the Highs spin counterclockwise? If we are on a flat plate then what forces the Lows and Highs to spin the opposite way just because they are further from the center of the plate?

    If you think the great big bad gomment conspiracy changes these things, then just come out of your basement (if your Mom lets you that is), step outside your door and see which way the wind is blowing and how fast. Go to any site that shows current surface obs and you will see the wind you just observed for yourself, shows the truth of what I say, here is a handy site for the education you so desperately need…

    MSG Grumpy

  2. If beachfront property carries a premium price tag because of the view, what does a house on the edge of the world cost?

    Can these guys (flat earthers) give me an address for some of those places?

  3. If the Earth was flat there would be no mountains and it would all look like Kansas and we would probably be totally covered in oceans. No thanks and just how stupid do you have to believe that the Earth is flat? Show me the tip or edge of the Earth where if you go one step further you fall off into the abyss. I believe the edge of the Earth is where all the liberal/progtard lemmings hang out.

  4. Flat Earthers claim there’s a gigantic impassible ice wall, a barrier which no man can cross to see the “edge of the world.” They say that’s what Antarctica actually is — not a continent but a ring of ice all around the edge of the “plate.”

    If that’s true, it STILL should be little problem to launch a rocket in a straight line out over the ice and watch its onboard camera to see where the ice wall ends. That could now be done by someone with the means to use rockets or even some kind of long-range drone, I’d expect.

    Keep in mind, though, they say the sun and moon are actually just lamps hanging not too many miles up in the sky. Trying to reason with them…well, I’ve tried. It’s a waste because if that were true, there should be NO PLACE on the flat “plate” where the sun is not at least somewhat visible at all times…night time should not exist. They have trouble explaining that one, too.

  5. The ultimate fall-back positions of FEs is what all hard-core conspiratists fall back on — (a) shaking their heads in pity as they dismiss whatever you tell them as a complex of lies and faked info ginned up by a one-world gummit and/or Satan himself, or (b) simply pretending you never said it because they don’t know how to respond.

    A friend of mine recently got sucked into it. Believe me, it’s astounding to watch when it comes out of nowhere.

  6. “I manned up and did it,”

    Wymyn (of all genders) teach “men” that prayer. So the “men” will step on their own dicks. To hold them steady for the hammer.

  7. Flat Earth is not a “theory”. It doesn’t even merit being called pseudoscience. It is just plain incorrect, not supported by any evidence and disconfirmed by tons of it.

    My theory is that Flat Earthers are eye-mung droppings of celestial dragons. Prove me wrong.

  8. “Flat Earthers” are like “socialists,” “demonrats,” and “globaloney-ists” in that they know that what they’re pushing is absolute bullshit, but they don’t care.

    The lack of reason, the indifference to fact, the denial of reality – are all earmarks of these cults (yeah, we could throw izlam in there, too).

    Sort of a mental illness – or serious contrariness distemper.

    Flat Earthers are probably the least dangerous of this species.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim,

    The only thing I don’t get is, what’s the ultimate goal behind FE? Among those who know it’s BS, I mean.

    The brains behind the truthers are globalist leftist plants trying to get people to doubt the evidence of their own eyes, combined with running a veiled defense of Islam (the real point, I believe), hiding behind an army of emotionally autistic losers who flood message boards. For me, that’s the simplest explanation.

    I can’t figure one for FE though. Help me out here.

  10. Maybe my post here will answer you some, grool.

    My best friend sent me a few links last year and asked what I thought about the subject. He is a man of God himself.

    After watching a few short ones, I ran across an hours long one and started skipping ahead to see if anything new was being said.

    It was nothing more than a brainwashing video.

    Every point I skipped to was some form of repeating the same things over and over – for a couple of hours if you watched it. Things like: “It’s sea level not sea curved” (repeated dozens of times itself) Yikes!

    The stupidity of that statement alone should wake people up, but NO! You have people saying a plane would keep flying out into space if the ground “curved down” below it. DUH!! Can’t you see this obvious truth!

    We’ve reached head-smacking-the-desktop point now.

    I told him I’m convinced it’s all about messing with religious people to make them look stupid.

    Then I run across a preacher named Ron Skiba asserting over and over it’s true. Now I’m convinced Satan is at work to lead Christians astray with this because they claim it is a literal interpretation of the Bible.

    I will need a new desk if I’m forced to watch or hear this stupidity being spewed unchallenged.

  11. Has anyone ever see the edge of the Earth? Isn’t the edge of the Earth where the visible horizon ends and you can see no further? I used to tell my kids when we’d go down the Lewiston grade towards Lewiston, Idaho that you could see the end of the world down by Hell’s Canyon. They quit believing me when they got older and figured out I was pulling their leg.

  12. grool,
    It’s difficult to evince reason from foolishness.
    Could just be a “Hey! Look at me! I’m different!” phenomenon.
    Could be serious imbecility.

    Remember the “Piltdown Man?” Even after it was admitted to be a fake, there were some who insisted otherwise – they couldn’t accept the fact that they were made fools of publicly – so they maintained their foolishness unto death.
    Go figure.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Exactly, Dadof4. This what Jesus had to say about satan and those who listen to him;
    John 8:44
    “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
    45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!”
    Too many Christians are, “…destroyed from lack of knowledge…” – Hosea 4:6

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