Fleece’s Peanut Butter Cups – IOTW Report

Fleece’s Peanut Butter Cups

Seems like a nothing story. But it really is a $hitty swindle. I had no idea Peanut Butter cups were Democrats.


Reese’s may be in violation of state and federal laws with its new sweepstakes offer currently advertised on packs of peanut butter cups, the AP reports. The promotion on two-cup packages reads “You could win $25,000” and, in smaller print, “See details inside.” But only after consumers have bought and opened a package can they see the small print: no purchase is necessary to enter the sweepstakes. The Reese’s contest was first reported Monday by Edgar Dworsky, a consumer advocate and former assistant attorney general in Massachusetts, who runs the Consumer World website. “You never have to pay to play. All these packages should be recalled,” he said.


18 Comments on Fleece’s Peanut Butter Cups

  1. Stopped buying candy when the price hit $1 for what I paid a nickel for as a kid. Now most of them are approaching $2. If I have a hankering for sweets I’ll bake a cake or cookies. The problem with being single is I always end up with more than I want to eat.

  2. Con test has been over 6 months, was available
    On the her-she web site’ could pick a torn up wrapper from trash if you did not want to buy the product
    I guess they could have bought a 10 second spot during super bull Sunday and read off the details in triple speed.

  3. Stolen elections aren’t about consumer protection, Did anyone sue Publisher’s Clearing House?

    Hasn’t Hershey Chocolate Corporation (OWNER of Reeses) donated enough money to the DNC and democrat candidates?

    For a $66 Billion dollar industry leader they don’t contribute near enough.
    A little pressure will convince them to play Biden’s Pay to Play game (MUCH better odds to be a winner than the Reeses promotion).

  4. Have to disagree Hambone.
    Reeses & Snickers are my favorite mass produced candy on the market.
    Both provide a ton of energy and are great meal substitutes when you are too busy to eat.
    Just like Coke is the only soft drink I like, I will have to ignore any politics involved…

  5. Bob needs to elaborate!


    I bake from scratch but do limited confections. Messing around with peanut butter, sugar and chocolate sounds like something I should do!

  6. Liberals need their own version of the Wailing Wall. They can put a gay pride flag over their head and shoulders, beat their head against the wall and leave notes or post its in the cracks a crevices about all the things they are offended by. Needs to be in a good location too, like the bottom of the Grand Canyon.


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