Florida: “Protecting DNA Privacy Act” – IOTW Report

Florida: “Protecting DNA Privacy Act”

FLORIDA: CS/HB 833: Unlawful Use of DNA
Effective Date: 10/1/2021

Read the PDF here

Unlawful Use of DNA; Prohibits DNA analysis & disclosure of DNA analysis results without express consent; removes criminal penalties; prohibits collection or retention of DNA sample of another person without express consent for specified purposes; prohibits specified DNA analysis & disclosure of DNA analysis results without express consent; provides criminal penalties.

6 Comments on Florida: “Protecting DNA Privacy Act”

  1. Most of the fleeing felons were headed for, or last seen in, Florida according to America’s Most Wanted. It’s a felon playground. I’m sure there will be massive celebrations there if it passes. Not that I don’t approve of the proposed bill.

  2. chesea clinton, big mike and omar will probably move to florida now. What effect will such a law have on ancestry and the other geneology sites? If you read the fine print, they own the DNA code once submitted and you die. One of them already sold it, too. if you want to find the world’s biggest DNA database, look to china.

  3. How about States passing counter OSHA laws?? If OSHA fines a business $70,000 in order to fire an unvaxxed employee… pass a State law that says sure, go ahead and fire the unvaxxed AND PAY HIM $70,000 IMMEDIATELY on the day of firing.

  4. OK, how bout this?
    1. The State become a covid unvaccinated Sanctuary State.
    2. All law enforcement and State military are obligated to protect and defend any covid unvaccinated citizen or legal green card holder from any abuse and discrimination due to covid unvaccinated status. No law enforcement or State military will assist in any other State’s or Federal entity in locating, disclosing identity, or any help at all whatsover to any other entity regarding a covid unvaccinated person.
    2. All Federal property will immediately be levied a tax to be paid in commensurate to the tax earnings lost for every private and public covid unvaccinated employee fired by any Federal covid vaccine mandate in the State UPON PENALTY OF PHYSICALLY SEALING ACCESS OF EVERY ENTRANCE BY PERSON OR VEHICLE BY BRICK OR STONE UNTIL COMPLETELY SEALED.
    3. All private businesses that fire a covid unvaccinated employee for any reason will immediately pay the employee a sum equaling whatever the fine that OSHA would fine a business in keeping a covid unvaccinated employee in violation of OSHA rules, before he is no longer allowed to physically enter his former workspace, and pay a sum equal to the employees last yearly salary, plus an inflationary adjusted yearly increase of salary for every year until retirement age of 67 UPON PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE CLOSURE OF BUSINESS AND IMMEDIATE OF ALL BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE STATE WHILE STILL BEHOLDEN TO THE ABOVE PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.
    4. All Federal entities that fire a covid unvaccinated employee for any reason will be immediately subject to a further levied property tax to be commesurate with the fired covid unvaccinated employee’s employees last yearly salary, plus an inflationary adjusted yearly increase of salary for every year until retirement age of 67, plus a sum equaling whatever the fine that OSHA would fine a business in keeping a covid unvaccinated employee in violation of OSHA rules UPON PENALTY OF PHYSICALLY SEALING ACCESS OF EVERY ENTRANCE BY PERSON OR VEHICLE BY BRICK OR STONE UNTIL COMPLETELY SEALED. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.
    5. All Federal entities that subsequently move from non-Federal properties to a Federal property still in the State’s borders will not have this tax removed or repealed UPON PENALTY OF PHYSICALLY SEALING ACCESS OF EVERY ENTRANCE BY PERSON OR VEHICLE BY BRICK OR STONE UNTIL COMPLETELY SEALED. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.
    6. All private businesses that have fired covid unvaccinated employee’s in any part of the United States of America and if any of those former employee’s move to this State with a residency period of no less then 14 days and that private business is operating in this State that private business shall immediately pay the employee a sum equaling whatever the fine that OSHA would fine a business in keeping a covid unvaccinated employee in violation of OSHA rules, and pay a sum equal to the employees last yearly salary, plus an inflationary adjusted yearly increase of salary for every year until retirement age of 67 no longer than 10 days of making him/herself present to a State official of his or her status as such UPON PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE CLOSURE OF BUSINESS AND IMMEDIATE OF ALL BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE STATE WHILE STILL BEHOLDEN TO THE ABOVE PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.
    7. Any private business that publicly states in any media, by any officer of that business that may lead the State to believe they may leave the State because of these laws will be fined a sum equaling whatever the fine that OSHA would fine a business in keeping a covid unvaccinated employee in violation of OSHA rules for every employee plus an inflationary adjusted yearly increase of salary for every year until retirement age of 67 before leaving UPON PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE CLOSURE OF BUSINESS AND IMMEDIATE OF ALL BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE STATE WHILE STILL BEHOLDEN TO THE ABOVE PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.
    …..Ran out of room

  5. Last section
    7. Any private business that publicly states in any media, by any officer of that business that may lead the State to believe they may leave the State because of these laws will be fined a sum equaling whatever the fine that OSHA would fine a business in keeping a covid unvaccinated employee in violation of OSHA rules for every employee plus an inflationary adjusted yearly increase of salary for every year until retirement age of 67 before leaving UPON PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE CLOSURE OF BUSINESS AND IMMEDIATE OF ALL BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE STATE WHILE STILL BEHOLDEN TO THE ABOVE PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES. ALL MONIES TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO AFFECTED EMPLOYEES.

    I’m not a lawyer but if B163n can pass something so draconian, well State’s can too.


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