Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz Interview – We Have To Finish the Job, We Have To Unify Behind Trump – IOTW Report

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz Interview – We Have To Finish the Job, We Have To Unify Behind Trump

“Justice may be coming to the Clinton doorstep very soon.” – Florida Representative Matt Gaetz

“… they are going to be like cornered rats when this entire investigation is shown to be the fraud that it is.”

“It’s built on a rotten foundation and I suspect they’ll have to go into major defense mode over Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.”


ht/ all too much

9 Comments on Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz Interview – We Have To Finish the Job, We Have To Unify Behind Trump

  1. The federal government has reached near saturation with subversives in the upper levels of management and its vital that they be culled with the ferocity they intended for us.

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