Flynn’s lawyers say ex-judge engaged in ‘flagrant personal and partisan assault’ against general – IOTW Report

Flynn’s lawyers say ex-judge engaged in ‘flagrant personal and partisan assault’ against general

Just The News: Lawyers for Gen. Michael Flynn, the defendant in an increasingly complex and multilayered prosecution case related to the Trump-Russia investigation, argued in a new filing today that the ex-judge called in to argue against dropping that case has engaged in a “flagrant personal and partisan assault” against the general.

The lawyers further argued that the judge overseeing Flynn’s case had “no authority” to call in former Judge John Gleeson as an amicus curiae instead of dismissing the case per the federal government’s request. 

Flynn plead guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents during an interview pursuant to the then-burgeoning Trump-Russia inquiry. He withdrew that guilty plea earlier this year; the Justice Department last month subsequently dropped its case against him and asked the D.C. District Court to do the same. more

12 Comments on Flynn’s lawyers say ex-judge engaged in ‘flagrant personal and partisan assault’ against general

  1. “And see how long before the case gets dismissed.”

    More likely, see how long before you get arrested and tossed in jail.

    You’re not in a protected group that can get away with such things.

  2. I’m surprised he hasn’t had Flynn hung in the village square. This judge has an odd twist in his brain and needs to be removed from having anything to do in making any judgments in our legal system.

  3. Our justice system has been hopelessly politicized from coast to coast. The justice Dept foot dragging on the presidential coup attempt is the glaring focus for the law abiding. We’re seeing blatant lawlessness by rioters who are detained then quickly released without charges.
    Open defiance of the president by high ups in government without so much as a peep out of party leadership.
    Even the military has lost the trust of the people in many cases.
    Drastic measures should be taken before there’s no longer hope of turning this around.
    If Barr thinks he can stall until this blows over he’s been in Washington too long. Pin pricks against these crimes is not going to sate the rage boiling accross the country. He needs to act with the full force of government NOW!!!

  4. “Open defiance of the president by high ups in government without so much as a peep out of party leadership.”

    Trump won with little, if any, help from the GOP.
    You might even say he won in spite of the Party.

  5. @Anonymous June 18, 2020 at 7:39 am

    > You’re not in a protected group that can get away with such things.


    Mr. Karen’ll call me a soyboy! If I can’t pay “my” taxes!

  6. @Mya Guess June 18, 2020 at 11:45 am

    > Trump won with little, if any, help from the GOP.
    > You might even say he won in spite of the Party.

    It wasn’t the Republicans he won in spite of.

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