Follow The Science: Riots Don’t Work – IOTW Report

Follow The Science: Riots Don’t Work

Federalist: On his nightly soapbox, CNN’s Chris Cuomo requested, “Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”

Of course, you won’t find these instructions written in the protester’s handbook anywhere, but they are reflected in common sense and a new study.

The study, which conducted six experiments with 3,399 participants, was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In sum, it concludes Americans stop caring about causes when protesters riot.

Using a handful of conservative and liberal causes, including the Black Lives Matter movement, animal rights, and the pro-life movement, researchers examined how different protest actions influence support for the various movements. (In their report, they refer to the pro-life movement as the “anti-abortion movement,” suggesting the authors are not conservative.)

Across the board, researchers found “protest behaviors perceived to be harmful to others, highly disruptive, or both — typically reduce support for social movements.” They also concluded that “these effects were largely independent of individuals’ prior ideology or views on the issue.”

The results are no surprise. When protesters cross the line from peaceful to obnoxious — or worse, when demonstrators block firefighters from reaching a burning building with a child inside or murder a small-town former police chief — Americans lose their emotional connection for the cause. more

11 Comments on Follow The Science: Riots Don’t Work

  1. When the 7-11, Autozone, or factory is burnt to the ground and closes for good, leaving the local residents without vital services or jobs, is that a Leftist success story?

  2. …but they DO get Democrats elected and produce fat, high-paying, no-work, tax-free jobs for divisive poverty-pimp assholes like Sharpton and Jackson, and weaponizes “the Black Community” as an ever-present threat of violence and shame to cow the few Republicans that DO survive the cheating into submission, as well as weaken the Country, split Black voters from the President, and allow the further erosion of the rights of White people “to be fair”…

    True, the actual COMMUNITIES are destroyed, the people left in the high-crime ghettos they created themselves, with entire cities left to rot without hope; but Democrats simply lie to the lofos that White Supremacist are keeping them down and they NEED to elect Democrats as their champions, while secretly laughing behind their hands at the easily manipulated class that’s helped make THEMSELVES entirely dependant on electing Democrats to hand out pilfered largesse that the Black community wouldn’t even NEED if they hadn’t allowed themselves to be egged into destroying their own neighborhoods in the FIRST place, while simultaneously providing propaganda to be used against President Trump in lieu of an actual, viable, Democrat platform or candidate…

    …riots don’t work, you say? I believe they DO, once you understand what the enemies of this Nation intended them to do and are, in fact, achieving with them….

  3. Hey Fredo, show us where it says Americans have to let rioters trash and steal everything in front of them.

    Other than on the constant anti-America shitnews MSM broadcasts.

  4. Violent protesting is means to intimidate the police and community.

    When the cops are given the “stand down” order, which opens the door to the violent aspect of the mob, the community is de facto abandoned (by their elected officials and those whose job it is to protect them and their property) to the tender mercies of the mob.
    And they know it.

    It is a challenge recognized.
    The community then has only two choices:
    1. scatter like sheep
    2. unite and defend to the death

    Scattering is easier – if there exists some societal structure which can galvanize them quickly, then unity and defense is much more attractive.

    But make no mistake: violence, known to be contrary to public approbation, is a conscious decision – a means towards an end. Violence will not occur without the tacit approval of the elected officials and their police forces.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I get paid to riot. I’m a stay at home loser living in mom and dad’s basement and on weekends I get to travel free to cities across the country. I get paid $1800.00 a month and provided with free bricks, Molotov cocktails, protest signs and the camaraderie of like minded friends. I get free bail and lawyer fees if I’m charged with a crime plus a bonus of $2500.00.

  6. Well regardless of efficacy the Demonrats literally have their “marching” orders. Do you think Soros and all the associated race hustling groups actually GAF about damaging the perception of their cause?

    Damage is the point. The upside is that many blacks are having the scales lifted from their eyes and finally (since reconstruction) understanding the Demonrat con game.

    Demonrats will overplay their hand because hubris is all they really have. It will backfire spectacularly in Nov as Americans vomit our Marxism for generations.


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