Food Desert Coming in 3..2.. – IOTW Report

Food Desert Coming in 3..2..

46 Comments on Food Desert Coming in 3..2..

  1. here is what you do w/ flotsam as this ….
    (substitute the ‘xx’ in hxxps w/ ‘tt’ … you know the drill)

  2. Years ago, in the Portland area, Walmart opened a store far from where this element of society was being rewarded, by the government, for bad behavior. Jungle drums in the Congo got the word out about the new Walmart store east of town. Before long they showed up with fists full of welfare cards, their incivility, you-cain’t-do-nuffin-bowdit attitudes, and shoplifting-property damaging skills. Absolutely ruined the place.

  3. Bungle in the Jungle. And really that’s not right or fair because the black people I now are all damn intelligent and Patriots. Ex Mil. But then you see these animals. A .22 to the temple would do humanity a lot of good.

  4. My uncle had a huge black bear as a pet. He purchased a tranquilizer pistol in case it ever got completely out of control. Walmart should have one in every department.

  5. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ January 15, 2023 at 9:39 pm,
    I love happy endings! Oh and what really gets me about the incident at Walmart is that she is absolutely sure that she is one sexy thang…. puke!

  6. You travel in rarified air Brad. My experiences with blacks is close to a 180 from yours. I’ve lived in many places and it’s always been the same, ALWAYS problems with blacks.

    I’d estimate there are several million decent black people scattered across the country. That leaves about 40 million blacks that wouldn’t spit on a white person if they were on fire.

    I self segregate. I won’t have anything to do with blacks, especially living anywhere where I see one more frequently than a couple times a year. Guess what? Low crime, no graffiti, no home invasions, I can walk the streets anytime of the day, no “bad” neighborhoods to avoid, no mob looting, no one like the lady above rolling around in the tomatoes…

    And violent black on white racism is getting worse. You can’t deny that. The worm is going to turn.

  7. This is how a demoniac deviant behaves when uninhibited. No deterrent by law enforcement, store management can solve this plague in the black community. This is a spiritual matter. Most black Americans, in particular are spiritually, consequently
    morally bankrupt. They abandoned God to embrace socialism which is satanic. Most unaware of the destructive effects.

    Shamefully, the Christian Church in The United States is too preoccupied with wearing masks, getting clot shots, materialism, complying with the government for fear of members and pastors being jailed or trying to keep non-profit status.

    There is a spiritual war going on. God tells Christians to put on the whole armor of God. Also, take up your cross for the burden is light because paraphrasing-God has your back when you walk in faith, standing against the ways of the devil. No wonder this country is so messed up. American Christians need to get it together.

    That demon-possessed pervert wrecking havoc in the store needs deliverance. Prayed for by Christians who know spiritual warfare exists and aren’t “playing church”.

    Hate to have to air the Christian church’s dirty laundry (revealed in Revelation of the Holy Bible), but it’s blatantly obvious we all need to make The True and Living God our hope and salvation.

  8. That’s just what

    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
    — Lyndon B. Johnson

    takes a population of low intellect, lazy, good for nothings.


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