Footage of the Deadliest Kind of Sniper Fire- Silent Shooting – IOTW Report

Footage of the Deadliest Kind of Sniper Fire- Silent Shooting

21 Comments on Footage of the Deadliest Kind of Sniper Fire- Silent Shooting

  1. Ducking and dodging, bopping and weaving, running in a serpentine fashion while Bosnia’s crack blind sniper team are firing thousands of rounds that are shredding the wings and tail off that big plane. How President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton managed to hang on to that bouquet of flowers in the midst of all that bloody mayhem is proof that she has the calm presence of mind to lead this great country. Did you catch the scene where she ducks behind that young woman that looks a lot like Webster Hubble?

  2. Why would she lie about something so easily proven to be wrong? Maybe she is a pathological liar who lies when it is easier to tell the truth. Thankful she will never be President.

  3. One of her former employees was on Fox Newa this morning, declaring there was no reason anyone would need a semiautomatic weapon except to kill people. She stated bak in Arkansas no hunters uses semiautomatic weapons.

  4. This presents an opportunity to “out-Saulinsky” the left !

    “I have strong unnamed sources that say that the Vegas shooter was a staunch Hillary supporter, personal “friend” of Obama and supporter of Pro-choice & BLM movements as well financed by Soros”

    now watch the left squirm and lie (more) !

    (Meme makers feel free to use!)

  5. well, it’s no wonder she wants to ban ‘silencers’ … only 59 lives were lost without one, but there were THOUSANDS falling around her because of those silencers!

    … oh ………………… wait …..

    man, I just can’t wrap my head around progtard pretzel logic

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