“For Crying Out Loud, Who Do They Think We Are, Complete Idiots?” – Lou Dobbs – IOTW Report

“For Crying Out Loud, Who Do They Think We Are, Complete Idiots?” – Lou Dobbs

When is Hillary going to pay for her crimes?

22 Comments on “For Crying Out Loud, Who Do They Think We Are, Complete Idiots?” – Lou Dobbs

  1. Nothing is going to be done against Hillary for anything.


    Quit wasting your time talking about it and concentrate your efforts on something you can actually do something about.

  2. If you are a Christian you believe that God settles
    these things in a very final manner.
    As to her punishment here on earth, the investigation
    has been reopened by people who are not the Kenyans’
    walking hemorroids and Trump (the chief law enforcement officer of the US) is very pissed off.

  3. It’s not that they think we’re idiots it’s that they know we’re mostly powerless to do anything about them. They’re protected by both sides of the isle. Over the years they enacted laws and rules that both enrich and protect them. That is exactly why Trump poses such a threat and why even the republicans are throwing up road blocks to any changes he’s trying to make.
    It’s a taxpayer financed criminal syndicate.

  4. Ecclesiastes 8:11 (KJV)
    Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

    I used to think the above verse referred to things like people staying on death row for years. Other court cases delayed months, even years before going to court, etc. I still believe this.

    Sometime ago, I included politicians. Like Clinton, Hillary, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, dozens more.

    Things need to change.

  5. “Nothing is going to be done against Hillary for anything.”

    It will be done if Trump wins again. Prosecuting Hillary is a second term project, always has been. Trump has been back on his heels for two years because of the witch hunt, and now its election season, not a good time to crank up the prosecution. That’s why it is critical that we KAG. Trump will hold her accountable when his hands are free.

  6. Re-read “Beyond Good and Evil.”

    Humans (generally) stand in awe of audacity and will subject themselves to the most humiliating groveling and kau tau-ing.
    We, as Americans, are torn between our fundamental belief in “law” (regardless of how perverted) and our urge for expedience in the face of such obvious disregard for our nation, our Constitution, and our sense of morality. Many are simply jealous of her greedy abuses and successes by such in-your-face criminality (wishing that they had the nerve) and her bare-faced lies when confronted by facts. She has surpassed the normal outrage of, say, a run-of-the-mill serial rapist/murderer, into something of almost mythical stature.

    We expect God to strike her dead in some sort of spectacular fashion – as she well deserves – but God expects us to take out the trash (I’m assuming, of course, from past monsters).

    Euphron was murdered in Thebes (in 366 BC) and at the trial of one of the conspirators, he (the conspirator) defended himself by stating that “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”
    (and was acquitted)

    But, as History has shown, few are willing to fulfill their duties as citizens – the cost being considered greater than the profit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Hillary is free and not going to be prosecuted. This annoys many due to her obvious corruption . The second problem is that we now know that the Democrats are above the Law. They know this, and see the path to permanent and unlimited power. The little light at the end of the tunnel is from the Hell waiting for Conservatives and Patriots when en mass that component of humanity is destroyed. Children born today who are of a noble mind are to die before they are 50 years of age.

  8. The guy Lew Dobbs is interviewing, Peter Schweizer, should write another book like his, “Clinton Cash – A Graphic Novel,” only the drawings should be left in outline form, so the book could be sold with colored pencils in airports to help people distract themselves from CNN blaring on the TVs.

  9. HIGHLY rec reading this Rex post below and the GWP article and it is mind blowing what went and is going on…note a common name in both articles, GULEN. Also, kinda surprised Rex did not mention Kelly at all??



    I know there are those that find this shit useless, but I am with Thirdtwin on this one.

  10. I wanna see her before THE FINAL court of appeal – on Judgment Day. 😁

    She better have a GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD chain of ice-cube smugglers lined up, for ETERNITY! 🤭


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