For the Children – The Left’s Modern Family – IOTW Report

For the Children – The Left’s Modern Family

The bizarre family tree at the heart of an extraordinary court battle over one little girl – involving two lesbian mothers, a gay sperm donor and a transsexual lover now living with a man 

  • tanks
  • Girl is the biological child of lesbian woman and gay sperm donor
  • They see her occasionally and she lives with mother’s lesbian ex
  • The step-mother’s former partner, a transsexual, wants contact with girl
  • But judge rules said that another effective parent would risk harm

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ht/Jason Chisel –

Twitter: @JasonChisel

18 Comments on For the Children – The Left’s Modern Family

  1. This reminds me of a song by Ray Stevens titled “I Am My Own Grandpa”. Freaks on parade fundamentally transforming the traditional American family one child at a time.

  2. If you’re on the Left, you view all of this as liberating and as progress, unlike the oppression and bigotry you get from a home where married, straight, devout Christian parents provide security and stability for their children.

  3. Remember the day when you could anticipate a Judge deeming them all ‘unfit parents’ and placing this child in a REAL family of moral people that would love to raise her ?

  4. Wait, So all of the adults have some diagnosed mental or psychological disorder, not including the whole “sexual identity” maze the child was born into, and now the child has been diagnosed as autistic and sometimes calls herself a boy… Wow! What a strange coincidence! I guess it’s a good thing she was born into such a “diverse” and “progressive” family that was able to relate and understand her sexual identity, because it’s obviously only a matter of time until “she” comes out as the lesbian she was born and announces her desire to “transform” into the boy/man that has been trapped inside her all this time!!! Yep, this was just a lucky gay coincidence that she/he was surrounded by Queers from the time she was born, and in no way should this ever be construed as evidence that her/his sexuality and “gender identity issue” is all the product of her environment.

    No Siree- Bob, being raised by a revolving freak show of mentally dysfunctional sexual deviants didn’t make the child a “gender-confused homo”. God must’ve done that Himself, because she/he was “Born this Way”!!!

    I got two words for the so-called adults in this sickening case of heinous child-abuse.. “MILL STONES”! Can you imagine what it’s going to look like when these “Trannys” like the “step=mom/dad” or Brucilyn Jenner have to stand before the throne and face the Creator? I’d like to see one of them look God in the eye and tell Him that He screwed up and made them the wrong gender. I wonder how many of their Democrat faithful supporters are going to stand with them then!!!
    And yeah, I apologize to you guys for “bringing politics into this”, but the fact is that all of these people vote, and one day the child will be old enough to vote! I don’t feel very confident that any of them are capable or willing to make informed and honest decisions about the future and the direction of the county. (Yes, I realize this particular circus takes place in England, BUTT, this is an all too common occurrence within the “Gay Community” in this country as well!

  5. It doesn’t matter who’s gay, straight, bi, or trans, or who’s screwing whom. The child’s legal parents are the ones who have the absolute right to custody and visitation. But these other hangers-on? Please. They need to get lives.

    This is the law in New York State.

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