For the People Act Advances To Senate Floor – IOTW Report

For the People Act Advances To Senate Floor


The Senate [Rules Committee] on Tuesday advanced S. 1, the For the People Act, setting up a floor vote for the controversial bill. Senators clashed over voting rights and election procedures for hours in a contentious committee meeting to consider amendments for the massive bill.

Democrats claim the legislation is necessary to counter new voting restrictions being considered by multiple states. But Republicans argued that the bill is a naked power grab, and voted down an amendment that would have made several changes to the legislation based on feedback from state and local election officials.

The committee deadlocked 9-9 along party lines on whether to approve the bill. The committee can’t report it out, but Senate rules allow Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring the bill to the floor. All nine Republicans voted against the bill, even though some amendments proposed by GOP senators had been adopted. More

8 Comments on For the People Act Advances To Senate Floor

  1. …it’s blatantly unconstitutional as it tramples on state’s rights, so of COURSE they will pass it immediately because, racism, or something…

  2. …but BECAUSE it is unconstitutional, EVERY SINGLE SENATOR that votes for it is betraying his/her Oath and should be removed and prosecuted on that grounds ALONE, then hung for Treason because that’s what it IS…

  3. Good morning cia, fbi, dhs, nsc, irs, postal service, google, facebook, twiiter, and…sorry if I left you out, can’t keep up. I’ll be having breakfast now so you can go spy on somebody else for awhile.


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