For the Record… – IOTW Report

For the Record…


Pamela Geller was a Cruz supporter before the primary season started. She was a Cruz supporter during the primary. She is a Cruz supporter now.

She had many issues with Donald Trump, including the obvious one, that Trump did not understand the importance of the Garland (Texas) Muhammad Art Expo and Contest.

I spoke with Pamela 2 days after Cruz dropped out.

The first expression she uttered when I asked what she thought of the news was the “yikes” sound, where one sucks air through their teeth, indicating that we were now dealing with the reality of Trump versus Hillary.

But, pragmatically, she immediately said that there is no alternative but to ensure that the criminal Hillary not win.

Characterizing her as a “Trump supporter” (implying pom poms and streamers) rather than a warrior who ceaselessly fights the left is a bit unfair, and I think the distinction is important.

She is not whitewashing Trump’s negatives and not calling him the perfect candidate. She simply understands just how ruinous a Clinton administration would be to this country.

I wish right-wing pundits would stop speculating about a “possibly bad” Trump and acknowledge the obvious – that Hillary *is* a corrupt, lying, criminal who will govern with a horrific progressive platform that will put the final nails in the America the right believes in.

But I guess it depends on what the definition of is is.

19 Comments on For the Record…

  1. Thank you Pamela for doing the right thing – we love you. Donald owes you an apology – he does man up at times when he realizes that he’s wrong. God bless you.

  2. America is going to need Pamela (and more like her) in the not-to-distant future if the nation is to wake up to the onslaught of Islam.

    Those of you too young to remember the London Blitz of 1940 need only read this week’s headline: “Sadiq Khan Elected London’s First Muslim Mayor.”

    Unlike the second World War, World War III -will- be fought on American soil.

  3. Of corse she endorses Trump. He doesn’t pussyfoot around and get all tangled up in political correctness when it comes to identifying the problem.

    We have met the enemy, and it is Islam.

  4. I think of it as Hillary vs. Person X, Person X being any random person. We really don’t know what Trump will do. But we know what Hellary will do.
    Its like being kidnapped by a person with a gun. You can run, and possibly get shot. Or you can get in the car, and get tortured, raped, and then slowly strangled with your own intestines. I am not getting in the car

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