For Those Keeping Score – Atlantic Magazine’s Standard of Decency Below Politico’s – IOTW Report

For Those Keeping Score – Atlantic Magazine’s Standard of Decency Below Politico’s

How low are your standards of decency when you’re below Politico’s?

Politico fired the Politiho,imgres-2Julia Ioffe, after she tweeted her theory that Donald Trump was having sex with his daughter, Ivanka.

Atlantic magazine, however, says, “hey, that’s our kinda gal!!!,” and hires her.

11 Comments on For Those Keeping Score – Atlantic Magazine’s Standard of Decency Below Politico’s

  1. Bring back the duel.
    In this case, she and Ivanka can duke it out with handbags weighted with cannonballs.
    I bet Ivanka triumphs quite handily.
    I will keep my thoughts about (in)appropriate dueling attire for the combatants to myself

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