For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud — Until Donald Trump Agreed – IOTW Report

For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud — Until Donald Trump Agreed

The Federalist-

The New York Times has aggressively insisted the last several months that worries over absentee and mail-in ballots, in particular, are dishonest violations of voting rights. Times staff opinion editor Spencer Bokat-Lindell wrote late in October that “[t]he effort to discredit and discourage mail-in voting” was the “culmination of a decades-long disinformation campaign by the Republican Party and others to suppress votes, especially those cast by Black and Latino Americans.”

But what of the Times itself, which for over two decades has warned readers that the most common sort of election fraud involves absentee voting? As recently as September, Times reporters Stephanie Saul and Reid Epstein quoted Richard Hasen, who teaches election law at the University of California, Irvine, saying that “[e]lection fraud in the United States is very rare, but the most common type of such fraud in the United States involves absentee ballots.”


We’re being gaslighted. HBO was nominated for an Emmy after exposing the easy exploit of the Diebold Voting System, yet, they would be the first ones to host a documentary about the “paranoid nutballs who think voting fraud exists.”

7 Comments on For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud — Until Donald Trump Agreed

  1. “The New York Times has aggressively insisted the last several months that worries over absentee and mail-in ballots, in particular, are dishonest violations of voting rights.”

    “the “culmination of a decades-long disinformation campaign by the Republican Party and others to suppress votes, especially those cast by Black and Latino Americans.””



  2. The NYT, and everyone in the establishment who takes their cue, spent four years pivoting 180 degrees on every position they had, based on Trump’s position. It really messes with the NPCs and lofos, especially now that the pivots are whipping back around the compass. Hey NYT, how are going break it to them about your new love for a border wall and kiddie cages?

  3. All of the outlets. I saw NBC news reporting on it last year. Well I saw it last year, the reports were a few years old. In fact they discussed Dominion in particular and the potential for fraud.
    You can’t make this stuff up. Just incredible.

  4. Those who lie, corruption rules their lives, and ours if you foolishly give them power..

    Why do some people get ambitious with other people’s money..?

    Make the money harder to use.

    We had this at one time, but like all the others, surrendered didn’t we.

    Today, all American’s are good for surrendering.

  5. Satan is a liar. His minions are liars. Those that are possessed and influenced by him are liars. The “benefits” of sin are all based on lies. It’s been this way since the garden.


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