Forget the NRA – They Are Not the Last Line of Defense Between You and Your Gun Rights – IOTW Report

Forget the NRA – They Are Not the Last Line of Defense Between You and Your Gun Rights

You can’t help but like this person.

I’ve looked at her channel. This is a strong-minded, intelligent force. I’d like to see some more of her videos.

Thanks to Tsunami for sending this in.

29 Comments on Forget the NRA – They Are Not the Last Line of Defense Between You and Your Gun Rights

  1. Racists should not be allowed to own guns. The SPLC has proven that right wing people are racists. You’re “rights” end where the lives of children begin.

  2. I wish these imbeciles that blame a high rate of fire (i.e. full auto, bumpstocks, etc) actually fired one, before blaming them for anything other than wasting ammunition.

    I got to fire the M16-A1 on full auto in Army basic training, and about 4 of the 30 rounds I fired hit my target. Even firing into a crowd from an elevated position with a bumpstocks (if that’s what happened, since she’s right about just getting reports), would be far less effective than aiming with a controlled rate of fire.

  3. She’s quite the “A = A” person.
    Thinks/speaks well, but
    (NOT referring to “4D chess” or whatever)
    doesn’t consider this is just a gesture
    (i.e. TALK and not ACTION).

    It could have many reasons,
    one I consider more likely is
    to motivate those of you readers
    to vote in the Mid-Terms, when you normally don’t.

    The THREAT (the “talk” part) is there; NOTHING ELSE.

    So, PLEASE, folks, stop with the pearl (grip) clutching.
    OTHERWISE, you end up (just like the TOKYO ROSErs out there)
    DEmotivating yourself directly into failure…
    …and the Democrats and #NTers will thank you immensely for that.

    a small “p.s.”

  4. I do not give money to NRA-ILA because they are infested with a bunch of lying duplicitous bastards who will dry shave you any chance they get. I give money to support the NRAs educational and competition programs. Gun Owners of America is much better on Second Ammendment issues. I am a Benefactor NRA member, all three of my kids are Life members and I am a GOA Life member.

  5. My goodness, that was a great rant – focused and intelligently presented. The second of her videos I watched was on her home page, “Why I don’t Talk to Libtards About Gun Control”. Equally good. Subscribed

  6. Passionate and attractive. She did a great job NOT screaming! By the way, though I have been an NRA life member for some years now, I do support GOA.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. The NRA had a hand pushing every major piece of gun control up to the AWB – including but not limited to ‘34 NFA, ‘68 GCA. The GOA amd JPFO (Jews for the Protection of Firearm Ownership) are better places to donate for 2a activism.

  8. I’m afraid we are going to have to modify Conquest’s Second Law of Politics:

    Old: “Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.”

    New: “Any organization sooner or later becomes left-wing.”

  9. Optimus – you’re right, Larry needs to wear his leisure suit (yeah, I played that video game years ago!). That polyester sheds blood quite nicely! ;^)

  10. @Bad_Brad – do you think this could be one of the moderators on the CBTS Patriot livestream? I know one of them has “nurse” in her screen name.

  11. I had been an NRA member and NRA firearms instructor for decades. I believe this young lady is correct, I gave up on the NRA over a decade ago. They no longer represented what I believe the 2nd Amendment references, specifically “Shall not be infringed”.

    GOA and JPFO stand for all gun owners, not just the pudds and fudds, who say you can take theirs, but not mine, cause I hunt ducks.

  12. You people scare me. You should not be allowed any guns because you scare me. Besides, you have the police. Give up your guns before the responsible adults take them from you.

  13. I disagree, folk, who are thinking of leaving the NRA. The organization may not be perfect, but it’s the damn devil we got. If you think you can slow the socialist takeover of the country without the NRA’s muscle, go for it. I might write to ’em and rail here and there, but they are and have been a damn effective lobby. …Lady in Red

  14. Let a Californian give you guys a little advice. Send the NRA and GOA both as much money as you can comfortably afford. The GOA is a fart in the windstorm compared to the NRA. The NRA still does some good. With out the NRA your guns would have been gone along time ago.

  15. Patriot Nurse is awesome. She is very much like my favorite aunt in both looks and who she is. A nurse who took us hunting and camping at her lease. Another no-shit full-of-life woman that I grew up with.

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