Former CIA Director Says No Evidence Of Trump-Kremlin Collusion – IOTW Report

Former CIA Director Says No Evidence Of Trump-Kremlin Collusion


A former acting director of the CIA who advised the Hillary Clinton campaign says he has yet to see even a “spark” of evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government during the presidential campaign.

Michael Morell also said Wednesday that he has serious questions about the 35-page dossier alleging campaign collusion because the author of the document paid his sources through intermediaries.

“On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all,” Morell told a crowd of intelligence analysts at an event hosted by the Cipher Brief, a website that monitors the intelligence community.

NBC News first reported Morell’s remarks.

“There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.”

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5 Comments on Former CIA Director Says No Evidence Of Trump-Kremlin Collusion

  1. Distraction/Deflection/Misdirection.
    A common tactic is to level allegations of wrong doing against your opponent for that which you and/or your campaign are doing or have done.

    Has the CIA and FBI performed an extensive investigation of the ties Hillary had with the Russians? Like the approval to sell 20% of our Uranium to Russia and receiving $Millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation?

    Why haven’t the Federal Investigators and media concentrated on the pay to play corruption of the Clinton Foundation?

  2. …Why haven’t the Federal Investigators and media concentrated on the pay to play corruption of the Clinton Foundation…

    Globalists don’t care. There’s a new sheriff in town now, we’ll have to see how this pans out. I’m not sure it’s in anyone’s interest now to actually go after them. They hold no power now and never will again. I would like to see them punished but I’m not too optimistic

  3. Hypocritical Double Standard is on full display.
    The Demonrats accuse Trump of conspiring with the Russians to win election. There’s no evidence to support the claim. But that’s ok with them, and they use the accusation to fire up the idiots to riot and tear down Trump.

    Trump accuses the Obama admin of spying on communication in and out of Trump tower. The Demonrats demand proof it happened. Failure to provide proof is unacceptable and it proves Trump is a big fat liar, such a liar in fact that it proves he’s lying about working with the Russians to steal the election. He shouldn’t be president, he’s illegitimate, and the Demonrats use the accusation that Trump is lying about being spied on to fire up their idiot followers to riot and tear Trump down.

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