Former Clinton Advisor Says Bloomberg “Cooking Up Scheme” To Make Her the Presidential Nominee – IOTW Report

Former Clinton Advisor Says Bloomberg “Cooking Up Scheme” To Make Her the Presidential Nominee


Morris said he believes that Bloomberg will remain in the race, even if he sees he can’t win, to try and peel away support from Sanders ahead of the party’s nominating convention later this summer.

“Nobody will be nominated on the first ballot, and it’ll go to a second ballot,” Morris said of a brokered convention. “The problem is that the party establishment doesn’t have a candidate.

“They can’t do Bloomberg because he got killed in the debate,” Morris continued. “Can’t do [Joe] Biden because he’s already lost the front-runner status. [Pete] Buttigieg looks like a high school kid at the Model UN. [Elizabeth] Warren is third, but she’s pretty far to the Left, and they’re not going to want to trust her,” he added.

Morris said he believes that Sanders “will get massacred” by Trump, so Clinton will attempt to ease into the nomination on the second ballot.


26 Comments on Former Clinton Advisor Says Bloomberg “Cooking Up Scheme” To Make Her the Presidential Nominee

  1. … its gonna be awkward when the Chair cries put in despair, “Where is the messiah who can save us?” and both Hillary and “Michelle” stand up at the same time and say “Here am I”…

  2. maybe bloomberg is trying to buy what hillary thinks she owns.
    does she still own/control super delegates? At one point, she financially bailed out and ‘owned’ the dnc. Maybe still does.

  3. Since the DNC establishment is terrified of Bernie winning enough delegates to be the nominee, when do you think Bernie will have a fatal heart attack? I’m thinking it will be just before the first round of balloting.

  4. Morris said he believes that Sanders “will get massacred” by Trump, so Clinton will attempt to ease into the nomination on the second ballot.

    Dicky must live in an alternate universe if he believes that H-Rod won’t simply “get massacred” again by President Trump if she should be foolish enough to run against him.

  5. Morris WAS right, Romney won the real vote @55% to 45%, in my guess. The election was stolen, IMHO. What I didnt underdtand at the time was Romney was just doing his job, in cahoots. I analyzed precincts in Ohio and and a bit elsewhere. Tons of precincts had unprecedented lines, outsized turnouts but same or lower counts than the previous presidential cycle. Tons of mismatch. It was stolen.

  6. The Lizard Queen has been setting this up for months, Bloomburg got in to be the broker and money supply, it’s all been a sham from the beginning. Hillezelbub owns the DNC and her people run the DNC.

    It was never going to be anybody but the Demon Bitch…

  7. The Democrat meltdown in November will be epic. Heads will explode, celebrities will threaten to leave the country(again), Late Night TV hosts will cry RUSSIA, Bernie bots will riot, Democrats everywhere will go into depression and Trump Supporters will celebrate in pure jubilee of another four more years of American pride.

  8. If she goes for it she will need to fake a broken leg from a hang glider so she won’t have to stand during any debating. Being seen for what she is and has become won’t work at all. (That’s being hit by a glider not being in one). Nothing is to far out there for this half human.

  9. Somehow, Hellary plans to bust up the DNC this year. Whether it’s backstabbing “Burn Baby Burn” Bernie – again, getting endorsed by Sassie the Sasquatch or strong arming her puppet, Blunderberg. Leftard things are going to “pop off” during DNC 2020. Can’t wait! Got the popcorn ready.

  10. This is a ridiculous story by Morris, if he actually said that. Just wait until after the convention; the top two will meet in a town named “Unity”, they’ll hug each other and the runner up will swear their undying support (and all their delegates)to the top dog — whoever it is. All the Bernie Bros, the Warren Hoes, the Buttigieg (or however he spells it) Moes will kiss and make up for the good of the party, then the rest of America will be besieged by robocalls until November.


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