Former Matt Drudge deputy starts rival to Drudge Report – IOTW Report

Former Matt Drudge deputy starts rival to Drudge Report

JustTheNews: The former editor of the Drudge Report, Joseph Curl, announced Tuesday the launch of Off The Press, a conservative-oriented aggregator that he says will have a “fearless attitude” toward covering “everything for those who devour news all day.”

Curl says the marketplace is ripe for a premier, 24/7 news aggregator that consumers can trust, with the Drudge Report having become just another echo chamber for the mainstream media.  

“Now more than ever, keeping up with the most important stories is a battle,” Curl says. “With social media deluging everyone with endless posts on their news feeds, the internet needs an editor to cull the very best stories and present them on a single site. That will be the sole mission of Off The Press.” more


17 Comments on Former Matt Drudge deputy starts rival to Drudge Report

  1. Who even still uses the Drudge Report? Seriously. Regardless, there are way too many alternative sources for news that Drudge used to provide – Whatfinger, for one – for this “deputy” to have a good chance at success.

  2. Anything having to do with the Drudge Report is completely off my radar! The name has been soiled and sullied forever. As far as I’m concerned it just gives Homo-Liberals a reason to do it doggy style so they can both read the Drudge report at the same time!

  3. I have not even opened Drudge in I can’t remember when. Off the Press will get a look but if it is anything like what Drudge has become I am out.

  4. Scrolling down the Off The Press home page was a positive enough experience that I’ll keep looking at it for at least another week or two. Time will tell whether or not I’ll add it to my regulars: TGP, Epoch Times, The Liberty Daily, Revolver, Whatfinger and a few others.

  5. Matt Drudge should have never been trusted by anyone, let alone conservatives.
    He is an anti religious bigot. His pathetically sad attempts to smear Christians is well documented.
    He only shares one thing with conservatives, their dislike of the Clintons. Other than that, nothing. He only support Trump in 2016 because he wanted to destroy Ted Cruz, and it became clear that Hillary was the nominee on the democrat side after he peddled and promoted Martin O’Malley. That was his goal, form what it seems. Not because he liked Trump or supported his policies.
    It became obvious after Trump won, and how quickly he started sharing anti-Republican, anti-Trump stories.
    I stopped reading long before that, but looked at times to see if things changed. He actually became more unhinged.

  6. They can add this headline:

    “Nevada back under MASK mandate as of 12:01am Friday”

    Freakin’ idiots who got the covid jab are now getting sick (imagine that), but it’s the anti-vaxxer’s fault. Yeah right…morons.


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