Former Obama Aide Says Green New Deal Rollout Blunder Puts Climate Fight At Risk – IOTW Report

Former Obama Aide Says Green New Deal Rollout Blunder Puts Climate Fight At Risk

DC: The bungled release of the much-touted Green New Deal (GND) could potentially torpedo a great opportunity to completely refashion how Democrats approach climate policy, according to one Obama-era official.

“[The FAQ release] was a monumental screw up. It is putting the potential for a robust climate action at risk,” one anonymous source within the Obama administration told Axios Wednesday morning.

The source noted how a botched document about the GND posted on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s website on Feb. 7 helped Republicans change the narrative. The resolution, which several potential presidential candidates supported at the time, effectively avoided hiccups, the person said.

“The resolution itself did a great job of avoiding these controversies and finding a way to appeal to a broad spectrum of Democrats,” the person added. “But because the FAQs drove the narrative, McConnell sees it as a way to hurt vulnerable Democrats and embarrass the 2020 field.”  more here


Translation: That idiot told the truth and messed up our scam!

14 Comments on Former Obama Aide Says Green New Deal Rollout Blunder Puts Climate Fight At Risk

  1. LCD

    Exactly. Trump wins. Just wait for the crying and screaming. I’ve read many places Gavin was hand picked and groomed for this position. The initial volley towards socialism. They should have picked a mother fucker who’s brain actually worked. Excuse my French, rough day.

  2. the resolution “effectively avoided hiccups…”
    yeah, they took the long way around the barn, so to speak. It completely ‘avoided’ the whacko things they want to do. They’re still massaging that damn dead horse. Clue- it ain’t gonna get up again. Maybe try purple next time- clinton and soros like that color.
    ‘hiccups’ – I’m thinking they’re really talking about fanny burps, as one would say on a family friendly site. That’s why they had ‘hiccups’- they were talking out of their ass.

  3. What guarantees are there that our politicians wouldn’t fuck up the Green New Deal even if it passed? They will funnel money to their friends and political contributors regardless of any “benefit” conferred, the perennial indignents would demand that all draconian measures contain “protections” for their pet special interests groups, and there would be so many regulations that it may be impossible to interpret them. And then we would have the pyramid effect of bad policy causing problems resulting in more bad policy to fix those problems which results in still more bad poliy to fix the problems caused by the bad policy enacted to fix the original problems, etc. ad nauseum.

    The Democrats are proposing vague and over reaching “solutions” to issues which are poorly understood without considering the potential economic and social devastation likely flowing from these solutions. Arguably, the original New Deal was a cluster fuck under the FDR administration; this Green New Deal promises to be many time the magnitude of that disaster.

  4. Moreover, how would our Air Force fare if we went to war against “Climate” I would think “Climate” would have some significant Anti Aircraft capabilities. Any time “it” sees a squadron of B-52, “it” could just whip up a Cat 5 hurricane.

    Just think what it could do to our coastal cities. And what about California. All “Climate” would have to do is make it rain for three days and there goes Sacramento, one of our last bastions of logic and reason

    Mr President we must not engage into a “rush” for yet another ill considered war

  5. “[The FAQ release] was a monumental screw up. It is putting the potential for a robust climate action at risk,” one anonymous source within the Obama administration told Axios Wednesday morning.

    Translation: “They’re going to figure out that climate change is BULLSH!T”.


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