Former Planned Parenthood Director Kills Himself Rather Than Face Arrest for Kiddie Porn – IOTW Report

Former Planned Parenthood Director Kills Himself Rather Than Face Arrest for Kiddie Porn

UK Daily Mail

The former director of strategic communications at the Southern New England branch of Planned Parenthood took his own life amid a child porn investigation in Connecticut this week. 

Police have not named abortion advocate Tim Yergeau, 36, as the suspect in the probe but confirmed that the man who committed suicide in the apartment building was a suspect. 

Yergeau, 36, took his own life, five days after an apparent botched attempt by police to take him into custody. Investigators broke down the door of his neighbor in New Haven, Connecticut and handcuffed her before realizing they had raided the wrong apartment. More

26 Comments on Former Planned Parenthood Director Kills Himself Rather Than Face Arrest for Kiddie Porn

  1. Wrong apartment? Is that right number on paperwork, but cops can’t read? but cops didn’t read?

    I see it going like this: “Okay, we’re gonna bust down the door and arrest this guy….oh, crap! Its a her! Different name! Cuff her anyway and call it a day.”

    They didn’t send their best and brightest. Again.

  2. Not so fast there guys. My assumption is that it is just as likely that this suicide was a “suicide.” It is more likely than not that he wasn’t the only one among the regional Planned Parenthood powers that be who was involved.

  3. Another self-loathing queer bites the dust and commits hari kari. He obviously knew that he was guilty as sin and offed himself to escape from going to prison for the rest of his miserable life. Suicide is not painless or victimless, I’ve known far too many people who have killed themselves and every one of them left behind a large mess and void that the living has to deal with afterwards.

  4. You avoided NOTHING, you cocksucking baby murdering child raping fucking scumwad waste of corrupted flesh.

    I know what your hope is in escaping your just and sorely earned punishment you vile shit crumb. You hope that the words od Aeschylus, “Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse”, insulates you from the hell that in a mortal body always lies no more than a nerve’s thickness away, that the cowardly extingushment of your own worthless spark denies other men the justice of visiting upon you some well-earned recompsense in small measure for the violence you committed in raping children one day and ripping them apart in the womb the next, your stooping to ever more frequent violation of the most innocent of God’s creations, revelling in your torment of them secure in the vain hope that the foul master you serve would protect you and reward you for inflicting the scourge of his festering domain upon these most pure, if your reprobate mind with its seared consciousness let you think of it at all.


    You don’t get off that easy.

    You don’t even get quick judgement.

    You get your blackened soul trapped in your decaying house of inert flesh for a good long while first.

    You get to feel your cooling flesh as the proceses of your life stop. You get to feel your eyeballs flatten into your skull, your blood pool into the back of your ass, each individual cell clamor for the life giving blood and you get to feel the death of each one as your own. You get to feel the bacteria in your gut start to eat your intestines in a vain attempt to live just a little longer, then you get to feel the bloating and strtching of your wasted tightening flessh as its stretched to the tearing point. You then get to feel yourelf tossed like the worthless pile of bones you are, staying conscious without even the escape of sleep the whole time as your decaying house of flesh is flung rudely from one conveyance to another, stripped of its garments, your shrunken genitals mocked until you are thrown in a drawer so cold the metal your bare body contacts burns you like a frozen flame for an immeasurable time, only to be slammed open and your ponded skin peeled from the drawer and dunped like so much trash onto a hard metal table with a rivult of water constantly running down it as a bored pathologists assitant carves a dogleg through every layer of skin, muscle, and fat on your chest and reaches into the incision to get a good grip, then you get to feel him rip your flesh asunder from its moorings on your bones until your entire rib cage is exposed and your organs laid bare, and then you get to feel him snsp your ribs like dried twigs to set your breastbone aside and excavate your organs, your lungs, heart, and abdominal organs from your warming to deliquescent fleshy prison, partly cutting, partly tearing, and you get to hear the wet slap of each hitting the scale in its turn. You then get to feel him use a knife to undermine your scalp along your hairline, then yank it forwards like a pelt to expose the bleared, yellowing expanse of your skull. You will hear the whine of a saw starting up, then the rotating blade bite into your skull all around until it is too broken asunder like a cheap piñata with a flesh pudding prize inside. Your trapped soul can be aware of your former brain being ripped out, sectioned, diced, stained and put in formaldehyde to keep bits of you in deathless agony forever. You can then feel your ligated main veins being stitched roughly closed, your body cavities and skull filled with hopital wastes and putrid linens, and the whole carelessly stitched together into a grinning mockery of the living person you once were.

    May you then be aware, after another timeless, sleepless time of your cold putty flesh being taken to another place, may you feel the catheders rudely shoved in here and there as your attempts to return to painless dust are thwarted by the burning fluid injected into your ligated vessels, arresting the decay of your flesh to prolong your postmortem agony even longer. Know then the humiliation of being dressed in garments with no back as a moritian with the sensibilites of a circus clown makeup artist pollutes your face for its final viewing.

    May you then get to hear the falseness of those you thought were friends mock your memory even as they puff themelves up over your beclowed visage, some grinning and whispering into your dead ear of how stupid they really felt you are, and may you see in the faces of every one of your mourners and hear in their voices that none cared for you, loved you, or respected you, and may you know that your relatives will sell all your worldly goods for bargain prices and keep no memory of you at all.

    May you feel the smash as the coffin top is dropped without first lowering your head, snapping the cartilage of your nose. May your coffin be handled roughly by paid men who care nothing for you and then dropped carelessly into the ground as none stayed to watch your interral. May the dirt of your burial be filled with shit and worms, and may you feel each penetrate and digest your flesh as they bore through it, and may you yet feel that flesh as the worms shit it back out. May you feel your body explode in your casket, and may your awareness be sleeplessly unable to escape the rotting house of your decaying corpse until the worms have fully composted the body you befouled so many children with.

    And when all that is done, may your unhoused soul go straight to hell where the REAL eternal torment can begin.

    No rest in peace for you, pedo infanticide.

    May you instead feel youself ripped in pieces for a long, slow time in memorial for all the infants you facilitated being torn to shreds for your master satan.

    May you know it as he consumes whatever is left for all eternity, for such is the friendship of his kind.

    Be tormented, murderer, rapist, torturer of the most innocent.


  5. Shit, he could have moved to Washington State and been elected Governor. With that on his resume’ he would be a shoo-in. Fuckers in Seattle have been dreaming about casting a vote for someone like that their entire lives.

  6. If ir’s cool to rip them apart while dragging them out of the only home they’ve ever known, before they’re born into the world, what could be wrong with using them for sexual gratification after they’re born?
    Someone noted that the suicide might be a ‘suicide’ as the cohort at his PP might be fellow kiddie queers. This is worth considering as the various kinds of queers tend to group up and queers in decision making capacities often hire based on queer affinity first, other qualifications later.

  7. Former Planned Parenthood Director Kills Himself Rather Than Face Arrest for Kiddie Porn

    He did the right thing, however, I kinda wished he made it to prison and had a few sessions with Bubba. I wanted to send him a bar of either Life Buoy, Lava, or Fels Naptha.


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