Former Scott Pruitt Aide, Cleared Of Wrongdoing, Speaks Out, But The Democrat Who Accused Her Remains Silent – IOTW Report

Former Scott Pruitt Aide, Cleared Of Wrongdoing, Speaks Out, But The Democrat Who Accused Her Remains Silent

DC: Democratic Delaware Sen. Tom Carper was silent on news federal investigators could not substantiate allegations he brought against former Environmental Protection Agency political appointee Samantha Dravis.

Dravis, however, called the allegations against her “unfounded from the start.” EPA investigators found no support for accusations she skipped work for a three-month period.

“The inspector general process should be used to investigate credible ethical breaches, not smear and destroy political enemies,” Dravis told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“This was an allegation that was completely unfounded from the start, and entirely contradicted by the record,” said Dravis, who served as EPA’s senior counsel and associate administrator of the policy office.

Carper did not respond to multiple requests for comment, despite being the reason EPA officials investigated Dravis’s attendance while she worked for former Administrator Scott Pruitt. Carper is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

A source close to matter told TheDCNF one of Carper’s staffers openly bragged about sparking an investigation into Dravis. That same staffer also asked Dravis’s associates for help accessing her personal photos on social media, said the source, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.  more here

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