Former Sec. of Defense, Robert Gates, stands by statement that Joe Biden has been wrong for 4 decades – IOTW Report

Former Sec. of Defense, Robert Gates, stands by statement that Joe Biden has been wrong for 4 decades

“I think he’s [Joe Biden] been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades.” – Former Secretary of Defense Under President Obama, Robert Gates

Face the Nation- “Would he be an effective commander-in-chief?”

Gates – “I dunno, I dunno. I think……. I stand by that statement.”

25 Comments on Former Sec. of Defense, Robert Gates, stands by statement that Joe Biden has been wrong for 4 decades

  1. Hey Joe you are “alleged” to be a foreign policy expert,
    but you are a convicted fucking idiot in everything else, by any jury of MY peers. For Chrisake drop out and let Poch=ohanas, or Bernie Panders take on The Donald.
    Relax Man. Settle back, Read Flanigan’s Wake. Your a Flanigan, right? So enjoy the rest of your life, why break our balls with your stupidity.

  2. Swamp thinking goes something like this,” I’ve been doing this (governing) for so long, naturally I’m an expert at it”. Now factor in that on every policy issue Joe has ever voiced an opinion on (guns, abortion, healthcare, busing, coal, border security) he has 180’ed. The courage of his convictions has always deserted him.

    There is something to be said about a person who has tried an endeavor for 40 years and still can’t get it right.

  3. oh, come on now …. give Joe some credit … he hasn’t “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades.”

    … he’s been wrong on everything over the last 4 decades!

  4. Joe’s got a new Book coming out about Zen Philosophy….It’s called

    “The Sound of One Hand Fapping”

    He’s delaying the release(ew!) until He gets a Blurb from 0webama.

  5. *Sniff*

    “Joe? Is that you sniffin’ again? The doc said sniffing girls isn’t good for your aneurysm.”


    “Oh, my god.”

  6. Gates is a vile creep. A corrupt swamp rat. Welcomed predators into the leadership of the Boy Scouts. Worked in corrupt Bush and Oblowjob administrations.
    Of course, Biteme is career crook fool.

  7. He was not wrong if your consider him only interested in his own enrichment and not the enrichment of the United States.

    The the crooked fucks decisions all make sense.


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