Former Tim Walz appointee allegedly provided alcohol to 18-year-old he met on Tinder and took to his cabin – IOTW Report

Former Tim Walz appointee allegedly provided alcohol to 18-year-old he met on Tinder and took to his cabin

He reportedly admitted to police that he knew she was 18 years old.

12 Comments on Former Tim Walz appointee allegedly provided alcohol to 18-year-old he met on Tinder and took to his cabin

  1. Walz’s family knows something. It’s almost beyond doubt, but there’s just enough doubt to say something. Instead, they politically renounce him en masse. That in itself is a strong condemnation. Tim Walz must be really rotten

    And I think Sundance is right: Clyburn knows something:

    “…Clyburn talks about spending time with Tim Walz campaigning and getting to know him. However, notice how Clyburn talks about boy and girls in school with conflicted feelings about their sexual identity and how “Coach Walz” was willing to put himself into the role of “sexual advisor” for them…”

    But, as the Harris-Walz campaign Wojak says, they don’t have time to talk about stuff that might have happened in the past. There’s an election in 60 days, and they plan to win it. And with Obama running the show, they just might do that. He and his media know how to finesse.

  2. “And with Obama running the show, they just might do that. He and his media know how to finesse.”

    Please PLEASE don’t attribute ANY capabilities to that POS impostor fraud. Obozo did NOTHING in his miserable life but parlay his dark skin.

    He’s nothing but a halfrican, doper, lying puppet, who will cross any line to do what he’s told. Picture him on his knees, in a bathhouse, in front of powerful old white perverts. THAT is the nasty usurper who bamboozled the weak-minded and who’s only sullied the world.

  3. Anonymous, when I say “Obama and his media” I am not conferring any special powers on him. He’s everything you say he is, and less, if that is possible. But his media knows how to hide his disgusting habits and practices, and they’ve done so for years. In fact they are a large part of the push for normalization and celebration of decadent, evil sexual practices, including child-molesting. Obama didn’t start that. It’s way beyond his skill. But he’s a beneficiary.

    The media turned a blind eye to Biden, as they did with Obama, and they’ll do the same for Walz, all the while pushing our culture and morality down a dark dirt road, for the benefit of pervert politicos, past present and future. Obama did not harness them to this task. They promoted him to the top. A rock star is nothing without his fans, but his manager and producer create the fans.

  4. Guess what. The Minnesota law that under 21 cannot consume alcohol without the permission of a parent or guardian is unconstitutional.

    An 18-year-old is a legal adult who cannot be re-placed retroactively subject to parental or guardian authority for cherry-picked reasons.

    Laws stating that under-21s can’t purchase alcohol or do this or that likely also are unconstitutional, but the “consume” laws also are idiotic.

  5. The guy lost his state rep. seat. Walz appointed him to a commission that taxes companies who strip mine low grade iron ore in northern MN. Politicians protect each other and their collective paychecks. Both sides.
    A 40 something year old hooks up on Tinder and takes her (18) to the cabin. A few shots later… Guessing mom found out and called the police the next day.


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