Former Transgender Says Trump Is Right About Disallowing Trans in the Military – IOTW Report

Former Transgender Says Trump Is Right About Disallowing Trans in the Military

The very term “Former Transgender” will tell you everything you need to know about the left’s “science” of gender.

It’s “fluid,” as in, “subjected to my flights of fancy,” or my mental illness.

Daily Signal-

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted that he wouldn’t allow transgender individuals to serve in the military:

After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……


….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..

….victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you

I think he made the right decision—and as someone who lived as trans-female for several years, I should know.

When I discovered Congress voted earlier this month to not block funding for transgender-related hormone therapies and sex change surgeries, I wondered if it considered how devastating this will be to the fitness, readiness, and morale of our combat-ready troops.

In July, the House of Representatives voted down Missouri Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would have banned the military from funding such treatments.

Paying for transition-related surgeries for military service members and their families is beyond comprehensible.

Perhaps they have forgotten that our military was forged to be the world’s strongest fighting force, not a government-funded, politically correct, medical sex change clinic for people with gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria, the common diagnosis for one who feels at odds with his or her birth gender, develops from prolonged anxiety and depression. People are not born that way.

The “proof” for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is having strongly held feelings—but feelings can and often do change over time.


14 Comments on Former Transgender Says Trump Is Right About Disallowing Trans in the Military

  1. If gender dysphoria is a mental illness, anyone with should be disqualified on that basis.

    But even if one accepts it as somehow OK, the associated treatments render the affected soldier unfit for deployment, i.e. useless.

    The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things. Anyone not ready and able to do that on a moment’s notice has no business in it.

  2. Gael-lick Congressman, Sean Patrick Maloney D-NY, was on with Tucker Carlson tonight explaining the brave exploits of Transgender Navy Seals. Duh. He said that the objections to TGs is the same a the objections to women and Negros in the services. Tucker kicked his gay ass and shut him down.

  3. The linked photo has been floating around for the past couple weeks. It shows trans service members in their uniforms. The first thing I noticed, before I noticed their sex, was how overweight they are. And that is commonly called being out of uniform. Even as men in uniform, they are overweight and should be on the fat boy program. Or were they thinking that’s next: No “fat shaming” in the military? Good grief.

    It shouldn’t have to be said that the U.S. military exists to protect our country and not to be a petri dish for wacko social experiments. Leave that to the Nazi’s. And the “relatively low” costs being touted are bogus because they only talk about the direct costs associated with medical treatment and not the billions spent from the Pentagon on down the chain having to do with regulations and training conducted throughout all commands and not to mention all the special accommodations made for these people.

  4. Currently we have approx. 1.4 million active service people. Reports are 150K are Trans. 10.5 percent. Overstated. 6% of America is festive. Oops, I mean gay. If you figure 6% that’s 84 K. That’s gay, not Trans. Fuck off. Cut your dick off yourself. It’s a meniscal number relying on us for their plumbing change. Thank God for DJT.

  5. I kid you not! I just read a story off BadBlue that a woman, identifying as a blind person, permanently blinded herself with drain cleaner! With the assistance of her therapist!! If true, this is the nutso conclusion to theory of “trans-“.

  6. It’s disgusting.. a former Navy Seal (Kristin Beck) who has become Hetro-Phobic? WTF? that “thing” needs to have all it’s benefits taken away. That’s not a Hero, that’s a big fat “Zero”..

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